Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge

Wolf Island NWR, located approximately 12 miles off the coast of Darien, Georgia in McIntosh County, was established on April 3, 1930 to provide protection and habitat for migratory birds. The barrier island refuge consists of Wolf Island and two smaller islands, Egg and Little Egg. Over 75% of the refuge's 5,126 acres are composed of saltwater marsh. Wolf Island NWR was designated a National Wilderness Area in 1975 and is maintained as such, with it's primary purpose being to provide protection for migratory birds and such endangered and threatened species as the loggerhead sea turtle and piping plover. Due to it's status as a wilderness area, no public use facilities are planned on the refuge. Though the refuge's saltwaters are open to a variety of recreational activities such as fishing and crabbing, all beach, marsh, and upland areas are closed to the public.

Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge
Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge

Wolf Island NWR is located approximately 12 miles off the coast of Darien, Georgia in McIntosh County. Due to the limited amount of uplands the refuge is closed to allow wildlife to use these areas undisturbed. Visitors must make their own arrangements to reach the saltwater areas of the refuge. Marinas in the Darien, Georgia area may offer such transportation.