Wing Luke Museum Affiliated Area

More than a museum, the Wing is an experience. A chance to truly understand what it was - and is - to be Asian American in the Pacific Northwest. Take a guided tour of a historic hotel and learn the inside story about what makes the local Chinatown-International District unique. Visitors explore thought-provoking exhibitions of real stories, including actor and martial arts master Bruce Lee.

Nippon Kan Theatre curtain

Nippon Kan Theatre curtain, painted with logos and ads for local Japanese-American businesses

theatre curtain painted with Japanese characters advertising local businesses

Nippon Kan Theatre curtain detail

Detail of advertisements from the Nippon Kan Theatre curtain that hangs in the museum

Japanese characters from advertisements are painted on a theatre curtain

"Letter Cloud"

“Letter Cloud,” by Erin Shie Palmer, is made up of letters written by immigrants to family and friends

a mobile of letters written on white paper hangs in the museum lobby

"Letter Cloud"

“Letter Cloud,” by Erin Shie Palmer, is made up of letters written by immigrants to family and friends

a mobile of letters written on white paper hangs in the museum lobby