Wiley Well District Geode Beds

This beautiful desert country is made up of the Little Chuckawalla, Mule, and Palo Verde Mountains; the Black Hills; and numerous washes. Paloverde trees in the washes give an impression of water and cool shade. The hills are dotted sparsely with desert plants. Winter rains coax colorful flowers from the cactus and other vegetation, making it a beautiful place to spend time in January or February. The district is also rich in history, from the gold rush days to General Patton's tank training days during World War II. It contains ancient fossils as well as artifacts from early Native Americans, pioneers, conquistadors, ranchers, and military troops.

Wiley Well District Geode Beds
Wiley Well District Geode Beds

Take Highway 78 to Malpitas Wash Road and travel north. From the north - turn south at the Wiley’s Well Road exit from Interstate Highway 10 located about 16 miles west of Blythe, California. Drive southward on Wiley’s Well Road 15 miles. From I 10 the road is paved 2.9 miles to the Chuckawalla Valley and Ironwood State Prison. The road from this point consists of graded dirt and unless it is raining, or it has rained recently, it should be passable for all types of vehicles. If the road has not been graded within the previous two or three weeks, though, it is likely to be seriously wash-boarded.