Wildhorse Creek Wild and Scenic River


Take yourself on a reverse hike down to Wildhorse Lake, below the Steens Mountain rim. The headwaters of Little Wildhorse Creek are designated as a Research Natural Area (RNA)/Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) because of a mid-to high-elevation lake and associated ecosystem. This RNA/ACEC was designated to protect the area for scientific study opportunities. Wildhorse and Little Wildhorse Creeks, above their confluence, contain interesting and unique assemblages of vegetative communities.

Know Before You Go:

Point of Interest:

Wildhorse and Little Wildhorse Creeks provide habitat for California bighorn sheep and a variety of wildlife from headwaters to canyon mouths. Species such as pika can be found at upper elevations. Little Wildhorse Creek contains excellent riparian habitat at higher elevations. Wildhorse and Little Wildhorse Lakes provide vernal high elevation pools, talus and cliffs, willows, and adjacent upland vegetation, which together provide a diversity of wildlife habitats.

Wildhorse Creek Wild and Scenic River
Wildhorse Creek Wild and Scenic River

Wildhorse Lake: The lake is accessible by a trail starting at the Wildhorse Lake Overlook, which is just off the Steens Mountain Loop Road near the summit.

Wildhorse Creek Wild and Scenic River
Wildhorse Creek Wild and Scenic River
Wildhorse Creek Wild and Scenic River