Whiskey Mountain

The Whiskey Mountain WSA encompasses 487 acres of BLM-administered land. The area is on the north-facing slope of Whiskey Mountain in the Wind River Mountains. These lands became a study area because of their proximity to the Fitzpatrick Wilderness Area. The terrain is rough and mountainous with scattered limber pine and Douglas fir. The largest concentration of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in the United States inhabits the area and surrounding environs. The WSA makes a contiguous extension of the Fitzpatrick Wilderness Area, which has outstanding opportunities for primitive and unconfined recreation. The larger Whiskey Mountain area, including the WSA, is an exceptional hunting, viewing, and wintering area for Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep.

Whiskey Mountain
Whiskey Mountain

The Whiskey Mountain WSA is accessed from the Trail Lake Road. Access to wild lands requires navigational skills and four wheel-drive/high clearance vehicles. Visitors should be prepared for adverse weather and road conditions. The WSAs in the Lander Field Office are primarily accessed by unnamed/unsigned two track roads; in many cases, these roads are impossible to find without good navigational skills and equipment.