Vale of Tears WSA

The remote Vale of Tears WSA is located on the southern slopes of the southeastern end of Douglas Mountain, within 0.5 miles of the Yampa River in Dinosaur National Monument. The Vale of Tears WSA is a continuation of the landforms found in Dinosaur National Monument. The upper two-thirds of several draws and drainages are within the WSA. The Vale of Tears drainage in the southern section has the appearance of colorful badlands with banded, multicolored soil. The rugged, Sawmill Canyon cuts through the eastern part of the WSA. The remainder of the area consists of ridges, peaks, and draws, which contribute to its overall ruggedness. There are no developed recreation sites but the area offers opportunities for visitors to enjoy deer and elk hunting, camping, sightseeing, hiking, backpacking and horseback riding. Motorized and mechanized vehicle travel is limited to existing roads and trails within these WSAs. Vegetation consists mainly of pinyon-juniper woodlands with sagebrush and saltbush/greasewood communities at lower elevations. Fauna includes fox, coyote, black bear, mountain lion, mule deer, elk, raptors and various songbirds, gopher snakes, and western diamondbacks.

Vale of Tears WSA
Vale of Tears WSA

The Vale of Tears WSA is located in Moffat County, approximately 25 miles west of Maybell; 55 miles west of Craig. The Ant Hills, Chew Winter Camp, Cross Mountain, and Peterson Draw WSAs are also nearby.