Timbered Crater Wilderness Study Area

The Timbered Crater Wilderness Study Area is an outstanding showcase for the geology of extinct volcanic craters. The alternating depressions and buttes are dominated by a 500-foot butte at the rim of the crater. The crater provides the only northeastern California habitat for the Baker cypress tree. Because Timbered Crater lies at the junction of the Great Basin and Cascade Mountains ecosystems, there is a unique blend of desert and mountain plant communities. Vegetation ranges from pine, western juniper and Oregon white oak to desert plants such as big sagebrush, needle grass, and blue grass.

Timbered Crater Wilderness Study Area
Timbered Crater Wilderness Study Area

From Fall River Mills, travel 4 miles east on State Highway 299 to Shasta County Road A-19, also called McArther Road, and turn left. Follow the road 4.8 miles to a fork/junction with Spring Creek Road, and turn right. Continue 5.7 miles to Forest Service Road 39N03 and follow the signs.