Sweetwater Rocks (Miller Springs)

The Miller Spring WSA encompasses 6,429 acres of BLM-administered land with no split-estate or private inholdings. This WSA is located in Natrona County about 31 miles east of Jeffrey City. The topography in the area is composed almost entirely of rough, broken granite domes and outcrops. The Miller Spring WSA offers outstanding opportunities for a primitive and unconfined type of recreation ? rock climbing, hiking, camping, photography, nature study, sightseeing, backpacking and hunting. Primitive campsites are available in a few places where grassy meadows, shelter and concealment exist. The lack of well-distributed campsites might cause some visitor overlap and confinement of use. Hunting for pronghorn is outstanding on the flats because game is abundant and packing distances are short. The area is mixed with private and public lands, permission is required when crossing private land.

Sweetwater Rocks (Miller Springs)
Sweetwater Rocks (Miller Springs)

Access to the Miller Spring WSA requires landowner permission.