Swede Lake Trail

This trail starts at an improved trailhead on the south side of the Denali Highway at milepost 16.2. The trail continues south for approximately 10 miles through the Tangle Lakes Archaeological District (TLAD), to the Middle Fork of the Gulkana River providing access to the Alphabet Hills and Dickey Lake. Please remember that the Middle Fork of the Gulkana is a National Wild River and users must stay on designated trails within the river corridor (1/2 mile either side of the riverbank). This trail is primarily utilized by motorized users. Major reconstruction has taken place on this trail in the last few years to protect important resources and cultural sites. Please stay on designated trails, which are marked with green dotted signs. Red dotted signs within the TLAD are not open to motorized use, unless 6 inches of frozen ground or 12 inches of snow cover are present. Highest use occurs mid-August through September. Trail is 10 miles long

Swede Lake Trail
Swede Lake Trail