Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail

For three years the young United States was embroiled in the War of 1812 and the Chesapeake Bay region felt the brunt of it, choked by shipping blockades and ravaged by enemy raids. Through sites and landscapes in Virginia, the District of Columbia, and Maryland, the Trail tells the stories of the events, people, and places that led to the birth of the U.S. national anthem.


The PRIDE OF BALTIMORE II is a sailing ambassador for the Trail.

A tall ship sails on the water.

Historic Sotterley

Historic Sotterley

Image of a large historic house with green lawn in foreground.

White House

British forces set fire to the original home of the U.S. president on August 26, 1814.

A close-up of the White House portico.

Paddling on the Sassafras

The Sassafras River Water Trail is one of the many paddle trails to explore along the Star-Spangled Banner Trail

A person in a yellow kayak paddles through lotus blossoms.

Living History at Fort McHenry

Living history at Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine.

People in 18th century period clothing standing in a line and firing muskets.