Snowy Range Scenic Byway

The Snowy Range Road, Hwy 130 from Laramie to the Upper Platte River Valley, was designated the Second National Forest Scenic Byway in the United States. Begun in 1920, it took 6 years to complete and was called the "Great Skyroad". This route is a popular recreation attraction with many picnic, camping, observation and interpretive facilities. The mountain ranges of Colorado can be seen from the Libby Flats Observation Point. The Krummholz vegetation associated with the alpine zone is located in this area, and a beautiful array of wildflowers can be seen from early June through July. A self-guided tour is available at the Ryan Park Campground which was the site of a WWII Prisoner of War camp. Medicine Bow Peak, at 12, 013 feet, the highest point on the Medicine Bow Forest, is immediately adjacent to the Byway. There are several hiking trails accessible from the Byway, including a trail up to Medicine Bow Peak. A trip along the Snowy Range Scenic Byway is a must when you visit southeastern Wyoming!

Snowy Range Scenic Byway
Snowy Range Scenic Byway

Navigating the Byway:

The Snowy Range Scenic Byway is on Hwy 130 located between the cities of Laramie and Saratoga. The byway begins as it enters the Medicine Bow Forest 31 miles west of Laramie and traverses west for 29 miles through the Medicine Bow Mountains (also known as the Snowy Range).