Sierra de las Uvas Mountains Wilderness Area

The Sierra de las Uvas Mountains Wilderness Area is located in the south-central portion of New Mexico in the Chihuahuan Desert. The area is a mountain complex of tilted, bedded volcanic rock. The western slopes are gentle, while cliffs dominate the east side. The landform is characterized by mesas, buttes, and canyons. The vegetation is primarily grasses and desert shrubs, with juniper on north facing slopes at higher elevations. Rimrock along the mesas provides nesting sites for many raptors.

Sierra de las Uvas Mountains Wilderness Area
Sierra de las Uvas Mountains Wilderness Area

From Hatch, NM drive about 1 mile west on Highway 26 and turn left onto 6th St. 6th St. turns 90 degrees left and crosses the railroad tracks. Veer onto a dirt road on the right where the paved road bends again to the left 90 degrees. Drive about ¾ mile, then veer right onto County Rd E005. Drive south on CR E005 for about 3 miles to the northeastern boundary of the WSA. From this point, continue on CR E005 which forms the eastern boundary of the WSA for approximately 0.4 miles to a road that veers to the right. This road forms the eastern boundary of the WSA for approximately 1.5 miles.