Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park

Your National Park for the Arts preserves the home and studio of sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907). Here stories flow through a landscape of inspiration. Discover the history behind the captivating bronze sculptures and enjoy the beauty of art and nature. The park and its partners continue the tradition of the Cornish Colony of artists. Unleash your creativity today.

Aspet, home of Augustus Saint-Gaudens

Built in 1817, Saint-Gaudens came here in 1885. He named it Aspet after the birthplace of his father in France.

Looking toward Aspet from the Pan Garden

Interior of the Little Studio

The Little Studio where Augustus Saint-Gaudens worked, exhibits some his well known works.

Interior of the Little Studio, Sculpture of Diana in foreground

The Shaw Memorial

Visitors looking at the bronze cast of the Shaw Memorial, Saint-Gaudens' masterpiece.

Visitors looking at the Shaw Memorial

Formal Gardens

The Formal Gardens remain much like they were in the artist's time.

View of the Formal Gardens

Twenty dollar gold coin, 1907

The 20 dollar gold piece Saint-Gaudens designed, is considered the most beautiful American coin ever minted

Obverse of the twenty dollar gold coin, 1907