Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge

Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, 14 degrees south of the equator and about 2,500 miles south of Hawaii, is at the east end of the Samoan archipelago, 180 miles east of Pago Pago, American Samoa. It is the smallest atoll in the world with about 20 acres of land and 1,600 acres of lagoon. The square reef protects two small, emergent islands. Rose Island, the larger of the two, is low, sandy, and thickly vegetated with shrubs, vines, and trees. It is an important nesting area for the threatened green sea turtle and endangered hawksbill sea turtle. Rose Atoll is part of the Pacific Remote Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex. The office is in Honolulu.

Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge