River Raisin National Battlefield Park

River Raisin NBP preserves, commemorates, and interprets the January 1813 battles of the War of 1812 and their aftermath. Battles that resulted in the greatest victory for Tecumseh’s Confederation and the British and the greatest defeat for the U.S. The aftermath led to U.S. Indian laws that forced the removal, relocation, and assimilation of native nations, an aftermath that continues today.

Battle of the River Raisin

The January 22, 1813 Battle raging in the snowy village of Frenchtown

Painting of the Battle of the River Raisin

Remember the Raisin!

Annual Commemoration of the Battle in January

re-enactors firing in a battle line

British Sled Cannon

British ingenuity - adopting their cannons for the snowy conditions at the Battle

a sled cannon in the snow

Summer in the Park

Visitors enjoy the period gardens and trails in the Park

period gardens

River Raisin National Battlefield Park

River Raisin National Battlefield Park

Grounds and structure

River Raisin National Battlefield Park

River Raisin National Battlefield Park

Grounds and structure