Raymond Mountain

The Raymond Mountain WSA encompasses 32,936 acres of BLM-administered land, 1,329 acres of state land and 200 acres of private inholdings. The study area is in the Sublette mountain range and is forested over major portions of the area. There are several creeks within the area, two of which contain a pure strain of Bonneville or Bear River cutthroat trout. The area is important moose, deer and elk habitat. The Raymond Mountain WSA, in combination with its relatively large size, diversity and ruggedness of terrain, contains outstanding opportunities for primitive and unconfined recreation. The primary recreation activity in the area is hunting moose, elk, deer and grouse. Primitive camping occurs along Raymond Creek, Huff Creek and in White Canyon. Hiking and backpacking occur in the area, as well as nature study and sightseeing. Other recreational activities include fishing, trapping and horseback riding.

Raymond Mountain
Raymond Mountain

From Hwy 189, travel 14 miles north of Cokeville WY on Route 89, turn east off of Route 89 and travel two miles to the Raymond Mountain trailhead.