President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site

Named for the father who died shortly before his birth, William Jefferson Blythe III later became the 42nd President of the United States. In this place, the experiences shared with his mother & grandparents in rural Arkansas developed the broad views on race relations, social justice, and public service that defined his presidency and life after the White House. For Bill Clinton, "Hope was home."

Birthplace Home

President Clinton spent the first four years of his life in this home being raised by his maternal grandparents.

The birthplace home of President Bill Clinton illuminated at dusk.

Visitor Center

Exterior of Visitor Center from Hervey Street

Exterior of Visitor Center building with landscape surrounding

The living room inside the Clinton Birthplace Home

The living room inside the Clinton Birthplace Home

A view of the living room with a fireplace, rug, recliner and other furniture

The formal living room of the Clinton Birthplace Home

The formal living room of the Clinton Birthplace Home

A view of the formal living room features a tricycle, table and chairs, and radio

Memorial Garden

Memorial garden for his mother, Virginia

Memorial garden for his mother, Virginia