Pinnacles National Park

Some 23 million years ago multiple volcanoes erupted, flowed, and slid to form what would become Pinnacles National Park. What remains is a unique landscape. Travelers journey through chaparral, oak woodlands, and canyon bottoms. Hikers enter rare talus caves and emerge to towering rock spires teeming with life: prairie and peregrine falcons, golden eagles, and the inspiring California condor.

Balconies Caves

Balconies Cliffs as seen from the inside of the Balconies Caves

Boulders in the Balconies Cave.


Light illuminates a tree on a rainy day, seen from the Resurrection Wall.

Light falling on tree


A Tarantula crawls in the wild.

A Tarantula walking

High Peaks with Condors Above

The best views of Pinnacles' rocks can be enjoyed from the west side with almost no effort required.

A massive rock spire with California condors flying above the peak.