Osar Lake Trail

Located at milepost 37 on the south side of the Denali Highway. Osar Lake trail provides access to Osar lake and sweeping views of the Maclaren River basin. This trail lies within the Tangle Lakes Archaeological District (TLAD). Please stay on designated trails, which are marked with green dotted signs. Red dotted signs within the TLAD are not open to motorized use, unless 6 inches of frozen ground or 12 inches of snow cover are present. This trail is usually dry and is recommended for hiking, mountain bikes, and 4 wheelers. August and September brings heavy concentrations of hunters along this route. Trail is 7.2 miles long

Osar Lake Trail
Osar Lake Trail

From Paxson on the Richardson Highway, go west 37 miles to the trailhead on the south side of the highway.