Ogden River Scenic Byway

This beautiful byway, beginning at the mouth of Ogden Canyon winds through 44 miles of Utah's most beautiful mountains and countryside. Rock walls and tree-covered mountainsides line the roadway that follows the Ogden River to Pineview Dam. Small islands dot the man-made reservoir and surrounding fields are either shades of green or snow-white. The magnificent Wasatch Mountain Range stretches heavenward and the mountains cradle the reservoir and small communities through which the byway passes in their gentle valleys.

Ogden River Scenic Byway
Ogden River Scenic Byway

Getting to the Byway:

How to get to the byway:

Navigating the Byway:
Driving the byway:

The byway begins at the mouth of Ogden Canyon at the intersection of Harrison Blvd. and 12th St.

Follow 12th St. (SR 39) east into the Canyon. At the end of the canyon, where the road splits around Pineview Reservoir, take the right branch, following the state scenic byway sign. Stay on that road till 1st South (SR 39 east) in Huntsville. Turn right on 1st South and follow that road to the byway's end in Woodruff.