North Caineville Mesa Trail

The trail ascends over 1300 feet to the top of the mesa. Along the way it runs along the spines of the Mancos badlands up into the Ferron sandstone cap on the mesa itself. The trail is marked by cairns. The hike takes about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours each way and is about 2 miles long. Near the top of the trail there are several names scratched in the rock from early explorers and ranchers. Once at the top, there is a register box to sign in. Views from the top of the mesa are unparalleled. A second trail to the top of North Caineville Mesa starts along State Route 24 near the "old cement truck" in Caineville. There are no developed facilities in this area.

North Caineville Mesa Trail
North Caineville Mesa Trail

7 miles north of State Route 24 up Caineville Wash