Muir Woods National Monument

Walk among old growth coast redwoods, cooling their roots in the fresh water of Redwood Creek and lifting their crowns to reach the sun and fog. Federally protected as a National Monument since 1908, this primeval forest is both refuge and laboratory, revealing our relationship with the living landscape. What will you discover in Muir Woods?

Muir Woods National Monument

Entrance to Muir Woods National Monument

Wooden sign and entrance to Muir Woods National Monument

Bridge through Muir Woods

Summer is a busy time at Muir Woods. Visit early in the morning for the most pleasant experience.

A wooden bridge crosses Redwood Creek in the redwood forest

Bohemian Grove

Later afternoon is a gorgeous time of day to visit Bohemian Grove, inside Muir Woods.

Sun rays shine down on a visitor among very tall redwood trees

Banana Slug

Banana slugs creep along the forest floor in Muir Woods and are likely to be abundant in the warmer days of winter.

A yellow banana slug creeping along a twig

Informal interpretation at Muir Woods

Muir Woods rangers deliver daily tree talks to connect visitors with the redwood forest ecosystem.

in a shady forest, a ranger in a flat hat and green uniform speaks with a small group of visitors

Rangers speaking with school group

More than just a forest, Muir Woods has rich cultural history.

Two rangers stand next to a big sign and speak to visitors seated in the foreground

Visitor at MUWO sign

Visitors can receive orientation at the front entrance before visiting the forest.

a visitor points to a sign that says muir woods

rangers pointing at redwoods

Rangers are always available at Muir Woods to welcome visitors, answer questions, and provide orientation.

two rangers in flat hats with their backs to the camera point at trees in the distance