Longleaf Trail Scenic Byway

Located south of the Natchitoches, the 17-mile Longleaf Trail Scenic Byway guides motorists through the most unique scenery in the Kisatchie National Forest, offering natural beauty as well as direct and indirect access to several popular recreation spots in the Kisatchie Hills area.

The byway traverses the Kisatchie Ranger District, the most scenic and enticing area within the 600,000 acre Kisatchie National Forest. It also crosses the Kisatchie Bayou, a scenic stream flowing through the district from south to north into Old River. Backpackers and hikers can explore the 8,700-acre Kisatchie Hills Wilderness and its Backbone Trail. In addition, horse riders will enjoy the Caroline Dormon Hiking and Equestrian Trail. Deer, Turkey, songbirds and other wildlife can be also viewed throughout the district.

Some "must see" sites are Kisatchie Bayou Recreation Area and Longleaf Vista, where hikers and picnickers enjoy spectacular scenery. An abundance of wildflowers, scenic views, thriving hardwood and pine forests, historic points, and unusual rock formations inspire visitors to return often.

Longleaf Trail Scenic Byway
Longleaf Trail Scenic Byway

Navigating the Byway:

Take LA 117 north from Leesville or south from Provencal and turn east on before reaching the exit to Hwy. 378. Also you can reach to Byway from LA 119 (between Derry and Gorum).

Driving the byway

Start at the junction of SR117 and Forest Road 59. The byway travels east through the Kisatchie National Forest along Forest Road 59 until the eastern forest border.