Longhouse Scenic Byway

Longhouse Scenic Byway is a loop that runs through Allegheny National Forest. It is surrounded by various kinds of foliage, from Black Cherry trees to Red Pines, and has several campsites and picnic sights to stop at along the way.

Longhouse Scenic Byway
Longhouse Scenic Byway

Navigating the Byway:

Longhouse Byway can be accessed at 3 points:

Coming from the west, travel along Highway 59 and as it crosses the fork of Allegheny Reservoir it will turn into the north segment of the byway. Once the road reaches the city of Klondike, the byway will fork to the right (south) and continue along Highway 321. About a mile after Highway 321 crosses Kinzua Creek, the byway forks to the right again (west) and continues up a windy forest road numbered 262. Forest Road 262 meets back up with the original segment of Highway 59 to complete the loop.

Coming from the east, travel along Highway 59 and when it meets the city of Klondike it will turn into the North segment of the byway. Follow the directions above in reverse, or choose to take Highway 321 south-bound and follow the directions above in order.

Coming from the south, travel along Highway 321 and eventually you will be provided with the option to fork left (west) onto Forest Road 262 or continue on Highway 321. At this point, both forks are part of the byway. Fork left to follow the first set of directions, or turn right and follow them in reverse.