Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge

The 2770-acre Leslie Canyon area was established in 1988 to protect habitat for the endangered Yaqui chub (Gila purpurea) and Yaqui topminnow (Poeciliopsis occidentalis sonorensis). The refuge also protects a rare velvet ash-cottonwood-black willow gallery forest.

This area is part of the basin and range geologic region, characterized by linear mountain ranges which are separated by broad, flat basins. The region was impacted by relatively recent volcanic activity, leaving volcanic plugs and cinder cones visible throughout the San Bernardino Valley. Earthquakes have further altered the region and helped allow the flow of many springs and seeps. All of these dynamic geological events have played major roles in shaping the valley, catching and storing crucial water, helping determine the variety of plants and animals present, and creating a beautiful landscape for humans to enjoy.

The San Bernardino Valley once supported permanently flowing creeks, springs, and marshy wetlands. In addition, the giant sacaton grassland in the valley was once described as "a luxuriant meadow some eight or ten miles long and a mile wide." The dependable source of water and grass made the area not only invaluable to a huge diversity of fish and wildlife, but also a center of human activity for centuries.

With expanding settlement beginning in the late 1800's came farming, mining, and livestock production, all of which competed for the same precious water. While the extensive wetlands here once provided historic habitat for eight different kinds of native fish, the lowering water table led to severe changes in the habitat and the eventual local extinctions of many species.

Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge
Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge

From Douglas to the refuge headquarters: The headquarters are located on Highway 191 approximately 11.3 miles north of the Highway 80 and Highway 191 junction, four miles west of Douglas.

From Douglas to the refuge: From A Ave., go north (A Ave. becomes Leslie Canyon Rd. after highway 80). The refuge is approximately 16.4 miles north of Douglas on Leslie Canyon Road. The trailhead is 0.33 miles up Leslie Canyon Rd.

From Interstate 10 East to the refuge: Take exit # 303 at Benson. Drive through Benson and follow signs to Tombstone. Almost four miles south of Tombstone, turn left onto Davis Road. Stay on Davis Road for 26 miles. At the second stop sign, turn right onto Highway 191. The entrance to the refuge headquarters is seven miles south of Davis Road on the right hand side of Highway 191. The Office is one mile west of Highway 191.

From Interstate 10 West to the refuge: Take exit 5 at Road Forks, New Mexico. Stay on Highway 80 through Douglas and turn right at Highway 191. Approximately 11.3 miles turn left onto the refuge headquarters entrance road. The headquarters is one mile west.