Lee Vining Canyon Scenic Byway

Flanked by the Ansel Adams and Hoover Wilderness Areas and Yosemite National Park, Lee Vining Canyon Scenic Byway takes you through glacier and volcano-created scenery; a dichotomous conflict between two primal elements.

Lee Vining Canyon Scenic Byway
Lee Vining Canyon Scenic Byway

Navigating the Byway:

Driving the Byway

Follow Highway 120 west through the Inyo National Forest from the town of Lee Vining to the Yosemite Entrance Station at Tioga Pass.

From Lee Vining, CA:

Head south on Interstate 395, and turn right onto Highway 120. The byway begins there.

From Yosemite National Park:

Take Tioga Road Scenic Byway (Highway 120) and head north. Lee Vining Canyon Scenic Byway begins right after the National Park entrance at Tioga Pass.

Tioga Lake