Klamath Hills Recreation Area

Klamath Hills Recreation Area is a unique and peaceful trail just outside of Klamath Falls for viewing birds, including eagles, quail and chukars, and various wildlife species, including mule deer, pronghorn antelope, squirrels, jackrabbits, and coyotes. The open, mountain big sagebrush habitat is intermixed with western juniper and provides scenic views of Mount Shasta further up the trail.

Know Before You Go:

Klamath Hills Recreation Area
Klamath Hills Recreation Area

The Lower Klamath Hills Trailhead is approximately 6.5 miles southeast of Midland; take Highway 97 south, turn left (east) on Cross Road; then right (south) on Lower Klamath Lake Road.

Trail dog
View to south from the the Klamath Hills Recreation Area.
View of Mt. Shasta from the the Klamath Hills Recreation Area.
Trailhead at the Klamath Hills Recreation Area.
Close up view of Mt. Shasta from the the Klamath Hills Recreation Area.