Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens

Deep within Kenilworth lies an oasis, hidden behind trees and cattails. It's a place where beavers build their homes and turtles sleep on logs. Lotus blooms rise from the muck and lilies sit on the water. The wind dances with the dragonflies, rustling through the trees, carrying the song of the birds until it brushes across your face, fading to a whisper, saying "come join."

Lotus pond bloom

Lotus flowers bloom in many ponds during the hot humid summer months.

Pink lotus flower blooms in a pond.

Fall Colors

As the seasons change, so do the colors around the ponds which can be seen as reflections on the water.

Aquatic ponds during the fall with trees displaying orange and yellow colors.

Hanging around

As the temperatures warm up during spring and summer months many reptiles including turtles can be seen basking in the sun on logs, tree stumps or the banks of the ponds.

Turtles basking in the sun.

Capturing Moments

The summer blooms in and around the ponds attract many photographers and artist from around the world.

A woman taking a photo of lotus flowers

Flight in Fall

The wetlands and marsh habitat many shore birds and they can be seen wading in and around the ponds for food.

Great Blue Heron in flight over the ponds during the fall.