John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site

As a boy, JFK’s parents never expected he would grow up to be president. Yet in his birthplace home he learned values that inspired a life in public service. His mother, Rose Kennedy, recreated her family’s first home to share her memories of those early years with visitors. We commemorate not only his early life, but the ideas and principles he left behind.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site

Photograph of the birthplace of John F. Kennedy on Beals st. in Brookline, MA

John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site


The Kennedy christening gown on a stand next to the bassinet in which all the Kennedy children slept, at the John F. Kennedy National Historic Site.

Room with white wicker furniture, including bassinet and rocking chair. Long white baby dress hangs.

Kennedy Dining Room

The dining table is set with the fine china and silver that Rose Kennedy received as a wedding present.

Dining room with oval dining table with six place settings of silver and fine china.