Horse Heaven Hills

Horse Heaven Hills is an undeveloped watchable wildlife and watchable wildflowers area. Popular with locals, it is primarily used for hiking, nature viewing, photography, and mountain biking.

Know Before You Go:

Point of Interest:

Scenic views abound from high on the ridgetop, depending on weather/visibility. On a clear day, from Chandler Butte you can see:

To the west - Mt. Rainier and Mt. Adams. To the north - Yakima River Valley and its numerous vineyards, Benton City, and the Rattlesnake Mountains. To the NE — Red Mountain, Hanford, and the White Bluffs. To the east - Webber Canyon and its many orchards, and Badger Mountain. To the south — An expanse of farmland sloping towards the non-visible Columbia River.

Horse Heaven Hills
Horse Heaven Hills

From I-82 take the Benton City, WA exit 96, follow the round-about and exit onto Webber Canyon road. After 0.5 miles turn right onto graveled McBee Road. Follow McBee Road 0.5 miles to a graveled parking area on your left.

View from West Ridge Road.
View near top of Horse Heaven Hills.
View from West Ridge of Horse Heaven Hills.