Honeycombs WSA

The Honeycombs WSA encompasses 21,000 acres of BLM-administered land and 260 acres of split-estate land with minerals held by the state of Wyoming. It consists of sharply eroded, strongly dissected badlands rolling to steep hills. Elevations range from 4,400 feet to 5,000 feet where the western boundary crosses the east fork of Nowater Creek. The soil colors vary from reds, pinks and purples to shades of brown and tan. The badland character of most of the WSA increases the visual interest of the area. Honeycombs WSA contains outstanding opportunities for primitive and unconfined recreation, ranging from passive activities to those requiring much physical exertion and endurance. The opportunities for trapping furbearers and hunting deer and antelope are widespread in the WSA. The quality of deer hunting is greater because the topography and vegetation creates habitat more favorable to deer. Outstanding opportunities for solitude exist because the rugged terrain, steep-sided hills and winding drainages limit sight distances. Resources in the WSA also support activities such as nature study, photography, rock hounding, bird watching, and sightseeing. The colorful and heavily eroded Willwood Formation provides an excellent opportunity for geologic study.

Honeycombs WSA
Honeycombs WSA

To access the eastern side of Honeycombs WSA, travel east from Worland on US Highway 16 for approximately 16 miles. Turn south (right) onto Blue Bank Road (BLM Road 1411 for about 3 miles. This road follows the eastern boundary for 4.75 miles and then splits off to the east and travels just over 1 mile parallel to the WSA. To reach Honeycombs WSA from the west, take US Highway 16 from Worland east for approximately 7 miles. Turn south (right) on Macaroni Road (BLM Road 1402) and follow for about 8.5 miles where it intersects with Mobile Road (BLM Road 1401). Turn east (left) on Mobile Road, in 6 miles you will reach the western boundary of WSA.