Guadalupe Canyon Wilderness Study Area

The Guadalupe Canyon WSA is located in the southwestern part of New Mexico about 30 miles east of Douglass, AZ. This WSA is managed in conjunction with the contiguous Bunk Robinson WSA (managed by the U.S. Forest Service) and Baker Canyon WSA (BLM-Arizona). Vegetation is Madrean Encinal woodlands dominated by open stands of oaks and perennial grasses. Sycamores grow in the riparian areas and Chihuahuan pine on the higher north facing slopes. The WSA is located within the northern limits of the range of many plants and animals, and consequently, this region is the only place where some species can be found in the United States. The area is renowned for bird watching. The WSA is extremely remote and difficult to access.

Guadalupe Canyon Wilderness Study Area
Guadalupe Canyon Wilderness Study Area

The WSA can be reached from the north by rugged cross country hiking or horseback riding through the Coronado National Forest. Access is unresolved, therefore, check with the Coronado National Forest for current access status regarding the Bunk Robinson WSA.