Galice-Hellgate Back Country Byway


The beautiful Rogue River country is the focal point of the Galice-Hellgate Backcountry Byway. The byway is 40 miles, one-way, 80 miles, round-trip. The entire route is a narrow, winding, paved road and is suitable for passenger car travel. A portion of the byway is single lane with occasional turnouts. Numerous river access points and developed recreation sites allow you to experience the river and its variety of recreation experiences. Much of the drive provides a view of the deep river canyon with impressive rock walls bordered by forested slopes. Smullin Visitor Center at Rand is 18 miles into the route and can provide information about the area.

Know Before You Go:

Point of Interest:

The byway provides access to the Rogue River National Recreation Trail at Grave Creek. This historic trail was originally developed by the Takelma Indians and improved by miners and settlers as they moved deeper into the canyon.

Galice-Hellgate Back Country Byway
Galice-Hellgate Back Country Byway

From Grants Pass, Oregon take I-5 north to the Merlin exit. The byway begins as you exit the freeway and travel the Merlin-Galice Road west. Four miles into the route you will travel through the town of Merlin.