Fossil Mountain

Special Features: The Fish Creek Range is a tilted fault block of sedimentary rocks, and includes bedding plane faults visible in over 28,000 acres in the central part of the WSA. Bald eagles, peregrine falcons, and golden eagles are raptor species which inhabit the WSA. Sensitive species that may occur in the WSA include the ferruginous hawk, long-billed curlew, and kit fox.

Fossil Mountain
Fossil Mountain

From Delta, drive southwest on US Highway 6/50 for about 51 miles to the road leading south through Blind Valley. Follow that road southwest and then south for 12.5 miles to a spur which heads southwest to the north side of Fossil Mountain. From the turnoff you can clearly see the mountain. The spur road leads into a wash that defines the north edge of the mountain. Drive to the end of the spur road and then start looking for fossils in the wash and on the mountainside.