Ford's Theatre

April 14, 1865. President Lincoln is assassinated at Ford’s Theatre. Discover how a nation handled grief and loss, how everyday people experienced a national tragedy, and how we have remembered a fallen leader. Today, in partnership with Ford’s Theatre Society, live dramatic productions highlight Lincoln’s love of the theatre, and the power of stories to connect us to ourselves and our history.

Ford's Theatre Front

Where a nations destiny was met.

Picture of the front of Ford's Theatre

Ford's Theatre Box

Where President Lincoln was shot

Presidential Box at Ford's Theatre

Peterson House

Place where Lincoln died.

Front of Peterson House

State Box at Ford's Theatre

Recreated State Box where Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

Luxuriously furnished theatre box with red carpet wallpaper, rocking chair & upholstered furniture.

Ford's Theatre Interior

Ford's Theatre Interior

Three levels of auditorium style seating with red carpeting and upholstered seats