Floy Canyon

Like the Floy Canyon WSA immediately to the west, Coal Canyon WSA sits between the face of the Bookcliffs and the top of the Roan Cliffs. It is a dissected landscape of steep ridges and v-shaped canyons formed by many drainages including Cottonwood, Sagers, Horse, Spring, Coal and Dry canyons. Vegetation is predominantly pinyon-juniper woodland with high desert plant communities along the southern portion of the WSA. Other vegetation includes Douglas fir, sagebrush, riparian and mountain shrub. Erosional features of scenic interest are pinnacles, balanced rocks, alcoves, overhangs, potholes, and arches. The WSA has year-round populations of elk, mountain lion, black bear and Rocky mountain bighorn sheep. The primary recreational use of the area is hunting. Additional recreational opportunities in the WSA include hiking, horseback riding, backpacking, camping and sightseeing. Portions of this WSA were burned in a large fire in 2002; the area is currently revegetating.

Floy Canyon
Floy Canyon

In the rugged terrain north of I-70 between the face of the Bookcliffs and the top of the Roan Cliffs. The area is accessible from I-70 via the community of Thompson Springs and the county road up Sego Canyon. Other major canyons in the area are Floy Canyon, Crescent Canyon and Horse Canyon.