They say a wedding should be the most magical day in a person's life. All of your loved ones come together for an event you have spent months creating and planning for to watch you vow your love to the one person who knows you better than you know yourself. Maybe you have a religious ceremony, or maybe your best friend officiates the wedding in a barn. Whatever the case, it's about what's best for you and your spouse-to-be
They also say the birth of your first child should be the most magical day in a person's life. A person you have spent months creating and planning for, someone who is quite literally an extension of yourself. Maybe you have a midwife, maybe you have ten doctors. Whatever the case, it's about what's best for you and your spouse and your newborn.
Never mess with the person who makes your food. Any adult should be grateful when another person cooks for them, so insulting their culinary skills on top of that is just playing with fire–or, in this place, hot chili oil. This spicy Gen X mom was tired of dealing with her son's complaints about her 'bland' cooking, so without hesitation, she taught him a lesson, making him eat his own words... on the Scoville Scale.
Spicy food is special in my heart, but my mouth can't handle it. I can have 1-3 bites of something really spicy–like Thai food rated 9 or 10–and I've got to take a few breaks. Considering a glass of milk from the fridge, I often dream of ways to get around my tender-mouthed tendencies with no success. Turns out, my palate craves the blandness as much as my soul craves the spice.
This was the case for the entitled 27-year-old in this next tale who couldn't put his money where his mouth was and paid the price–and with a gallon of dairy and some memorable chemical burns in his mouth, he learned his lesson.
Road trips with family members are not always as great as they sound. That is unless you naturally anticipate that family road trips will inevitably end in disaster. In that case, congratulations on managing your expectations because those expectations will likely be met and then some.
Now, your mileage may vary (see what I did there?), but personally, I find that being in a car with family as a fully grown adult naturally brings back old memories (and not always the good ones). Sure, you might put on music you all listened to in the car back in the day, but as soon as someone makes a wrong turn, watch out because everyone is going to start blaming each other.
Sometimes, old arguments that you don't even remember resurface, as do comments made over ten years ago that you suddenly realize you still resent. It all can come up to the surface during those car rides, especially if they end up longer than anticipated.
Few things can derail your day faster than a big giant spill. It seems like it always happens at the most inopportune times, too. You'll be rushing out the door with your arms full of papers, trying to get the kids to school on time. Then, you realize you don't have eyes on your toddler. You race around looking for them, and find them in the kitchen, happily pouring an entire gallon of milk onto the floor. That'll ruin an entire afternoon in under 30 seconds! You can't just leave the giant spill, or else you'll return to a kitchen crawling with ants. You might have to move the fridge to clean it all up, and it'll take quite a while to find every place that the liquid has splattered onto. Meanwhile, your kids will find something else to spill around the household… is that the sound of a 4-year-old dumping out a 1,000-piece bead set? Great, just another big mess to start cleaning up.
If you've ever been the victim of a large spill in your household, maybe these people below will make you feel better. At least you're probably not a chef who spilled 4 liters of lobster concentrate, or the person who spilled 22 quarts of cranberry puree down a flight of stairs. It could be worse, people!
Up next, read about what happened when a plane passenger confronted the woman who absentmindedly doused the airplane in perfume, writing that they were quickly "enveloped in a… sweet cloud."
There are very few people in this life who genuinely want roommates as fully grown adults. Sure, the idea of it is something that has been endlessly romanticized and idealized in film and television programs from Friends to Will & Grace.
However, the truth of the matter is that living with anyone else after college and after one's early twenties becomes challenging in a different way. Naturally, people become more ingrained in their habits and, therefore, far less flexible than they were at 19 years old. Furthermore, people become far more limited in their time and far more burdened by adult responsibilities, which inevitably has a strong effect on one's living situation.
That being said, living alone is neither realistic nor financially possible for many folks who are past those early twenty-something years. Finding a roommate who checks off your metaphorical boxes, so to speak, is also not an easy task. Furthermore, it's quite possible someone at one point seemingly did fit your criteria turned out to be a total disaster once they moved into your apartment…
We all want to move up in our line of work, it is only natural. We don't want to be stuck in the same position for our entire lives, and we want to feel like we are moving forward with our professional aspirations. Granted, it doesn't have to be an actual promotion, as we all measure our development in different ways, but the important thing is that we feel satisfied and content with where we are at any given moment.
That being said, moving up in our careers cannot happen without proving ourselves, especially if we have bosses looking at our every move. Being a leader, a team player, and showing determination and the ability to think outside the box are just a handful of examples of what we need to do to prove that we are worthy of a promotion or another step up the company ladder.
The sad reality is, that not everyone can prove themselves that way, and maybe are unable to take that step toward the direction they are aiming for. Does that still mean they should fight for an opportunity at any cost? The story down below might prove that there are some lines one should not cross, no matter how badly they think they deserve to move up.
What is it with overtime and after-hours work that makes new managers zero in on it like nothing else? They often don't even seek to understand the reasons the overtime is occurring in the first place before laying down ultimatums and other strict rulings about working and reporting the extra hours.
As with anything in life, but especially when managing, you'd do well to understand why something is happening before attempting to change it. You can't just gut-react and declare something out-of-bounds without incurring possible fallout from whatever that practice was propping up on an organizational level.
Of course, this is all a tough lesson to learn for the first time when it causes you to miss your holiday with your family, but then, as the manager who made the ruling, it's your own fault anyway, so it's kind of hard to feel too bad for you.
Your flight is now boarding, it's nearly time for takeoff. All the passengers have to do is form an orderly line, and everything will go smoothly, right? Right?
Well… not always. It's no secret that people can barely board the plane correctly in the first place, since many of them won't listen to their boarding section. The flight attendants are boarding section A, so the section C folks just stand around with their hands in their pockets, just to make sure they don't miss their own boarding time.
Once everyone is on the plane, it doesn't necessarily get any easier. Now it's time for the passengers to greet the flight attendants as they board, and embark upon that ever-challenging game of airplane Tetris: stowing their baggage. A lot of airports have a little box that you can place your carry-on bags in to make sure they fit. But that won't deter the people who have decided in their own minds that their bag will fit. They then have to push and shove their suitcase into the overhead compartments, smushing everyone else's luggage in the meantime. Many times, the flight attendant ends up being the person who rotates the bags and magically makes them fit. They really make it look easy! But they also have a few bones to pick with the passengers who antagonize them the most.
Up next, this single mom who got dumped by her new BF over a tipping incident: "This tipping stuff is getting out of hand."
The modern workplace has birthed a fascinating species of boss who treats their title as a free pass to bypass social norms. This special genus, known by many names, is a fascinating breed developed over decades of corporate evolution.
A prime example of this breed was recently spotted in a medical clinic, where three purebred specimens demonstrated textbook species-oriented behavior. While common office workers displayed standard door-respecting traits, these magnificent creatures showcased their breed's signature move: the unsolicited entrance.
While regular staff members respect the basic courtesy of knocking before entering a shared office, this trio bursts in unannounced during private conversations, HR discussions, and personal health chats. Their defense boils down to a masterclass in managerial logic: they claim knocking is unnecessary for those without private offices, and that all conversations automatically fall under their need-to-know jurisdiction.
These wonderful members of the corporate human kingdom are recognized by many nicknames and aliases, none of which is "employee's best friend."
Being a mom is a full-time job. So working moms are contractually obligated to two full-time jobs–so when this mother of a toddler decided to get a third full-time paying job, her family and friends thought she was crazy… But she was not without purpose. Under the crushing weight of $160,000 in debt, with an 18% interest rate increasing her financial burden every single day, this tough working woman decided to put her nose to the grindstone, find another job, and get PAID so that she could absolve her debts.
Many of us have at least a little bit of debt. Whether your credit card payment is left undone, your student loans never got forgiven, or if you have a mortgage, you're in debt. It's as simple as that. While debt may be the crux of typical American finances for the working class, this woman decided she was tired of having a piano dangling over her head and took it upon herself to set a seemingly impossible goal: Get everything paid off within 12 months.
Well, be prepared to be inspired by this lady's dizzying work ethic, because she actually pulled it off.
Sending one's child off to college can be difficult for many parents to digest. Some cannot wait for their kid to grow over the next four years, some are desperately looking forward to all the free time, and some cannot bear the idea of becoming empty nesters.
However, if you're a helicopter parent, this transition is an especially challenging one, as the need to let go does not really exist. In fact, the need to hold on inevitably takes over more than anything else. This entitled mother had particular trouble with her son's first semester in college. Keep scrolling below for her story as told through the eyes of a college administrator.
When we were 16, and finally were old enough to get a driver's license, we always imagined being able to drive as the greatest thing in the world. Who didn't love the idea of no longer having to depend on our parents, public transportation, or Uber? Just getting in our car and driving wherever we want to, whenever we want to… Such a dream.
Even though that is still (kind of) how it works, there are a lot of things our 16-year-old selves did not consider when we first managed to get our hands on a driver's license. Things that make the driving experience slightly less magical than what we thought it would be, and that even deters some people from stepping into a car altogether.
Traffic, for example, is a big part of that. Sure, going on a road trip this weekend would be great, but first, think about all the traffic you'll have to get through just to get out of the city. Who wants that?
Then we have all those people who think the road belongs to them, and that they can do whatever they want when they're on it, without thinking about anyone else, just like the driver in the story below. No 16-year-old thought they would have to deal with people like that when they got a driver's license, but it turns out it is just another daily feature of the whole driving experience.
There are lots of situations that can occur at a concert that can be very inconvenient, but you kind of just have to deal with it. Getting stuck behind a tall person who refuses to relocate, you kind of just have to deal with it. It's not their fault they're tall and they paid for a ticket just as much as you did. It's very annoying to you, since your view is blocked now, but that's the gamble you roll when going to a concert. However, when there is a person standing in front of you that is holding something completely unnecessary that is blocking your view, like an umbrella, sign, or flag, then, by golly, you are 100% entitled to get rowdy. Heck, grab that thing out of their hands and let them know how selfish they are being.
Or do what this tall guy did and just give them a dose of their own medicine. (of course, you have to be tall to do that…) In this situation, a woman decided that the world's largest umbrella was the appropriate item to bring to an outdoor concert. Sure, everyone going to an outdoor concert knows to prepare for any weather, but in a self-aware way! Like, bring a poncho NOT a big af umbrella… That's common knowledge, I fear…
When you're existing in a shared space with others, common courtesy is to keep the environment clean. That's like, a universal understanding. Or at least it should be. Make sure to wipe down the spills you cause, sweep up the crumbs from your Taco Tuesday, and ensure that everyone else is doing the same thing. Easier said than done, though. Especially when other people expect you to clean up after them instead of doing it themselves. That's when petty revenge comes in handy!
The employee who posted this story had enough of their entitled, messy coworker and the ways in which they wouldn't clean up after themselves in their shared office kitchen. After several attempts to tame the messy bull, the employee decides to take matters into their own hands. Instead of continuously nagging their colleague, they unplug the microwave and put a makeshift "out of service" sign on the appliance. Now, this employee will never use the microwave again. It is unclear if others in the office were onto the employee's petty shenanigans, but at least the microwave was kept clean for all to use except for their entitled coworker with a cleaning aversion.
Many people are aware that roughly 40% of marriages end in divorce. But that doesn't deter most lovebirds from going to the alter. They're not pondering divorces, they're celebrating their love and thinking, "Divorce happens to other people's marriages. My spouse and I will beat the odds, love each other forever, and figure out a way to make any disagreement work out." But as much as a couple tries to make their relationship work, there are issues that can't be fixed, and sometimes people end up happier on their own.
Some couples even joke that their relationships improve once they split up, but it's kind of true. Sure, there's the heartbreak and woes, yada yada yada. The good news? You get to sleep in a bed by yourself, eat whatever you want whenever you want, no one is monitoring your finances or hobbies, and you won't have the stressors that caused the breakup in the first place. You can see your friends more than before, maybe get a pet or two, and there's nothing like a fresh start in your own house or apartment to make you feel brand new again.
Working in any industry for an extended period of time means that you learn some tricks of the trade. It also means that you learn the secrets no one wants anyone outside of the industry to know.
This, of course, applies to all fields of work, but there is perhaps no industry where the secrets have the potential to raise more eyebrows than the restaurant industry. Once you learn how messy and unsanitary certain establishments can be, it can definitely shift your perspective on eating out. On the other hand, you might just embrace an "ignorance is bliss" mentality and continue to frequent the same questionable places over and over again.
Keep scrolling below for this collection of industry secrets from servers and kitchen workers!
Tipping is getting so out of hand these days. Maybe you're feeling the pinch, too: it seems like almost every establishment prompts customers to tip generously, even when they never would've done that just a few years ago.
Just the other day, I bought a scoop of ice cream and was prompted to tip. The restaurant was totally empty, and the server scooped me a single scoop of cookies and cream (it was super delicious, thanks for asking). It took probably five seconds to scoop it, and then I was rung up and prompted to tip between 15-30%. I felt bad for not tipping, but what would I have been tipping for, exactly? It's a question that Americans are having to ask themselves more and more these days, as every iPad-touting shop can easily pop the question onto the screen for every customer.
Should we be tipping servers, baristas, delivery drivers, and bartenders? Well, yes, since those positions have been tip-based for quite some time. But do I really want to tip the guy at the food truck who hands me a ready-to-eat slice of pizza, or a cashier who's working at a clothing retail store and just ringing up my clothes? Sorry, and maybe that's a hot take, but no, I don't actually want to tip employees who aren't doing much besides handing an item across the counter.
It's not easy to stand up to your boss when you are being overworked. Burnout is real and it's not beneficial for anyone involved. Of course, the most aggrieved party is always the employee, who has been taking on too much, but the output of their work will inevitably be affected as well. It's best to normalize conversations about burnout in the workplace and to never use those honest conversations against the employee down the road.
One would think that most decent employers would never dare to be so manipulative, but then again, not every employer is decent. Take a look at this story about an overworked employee who was asked to sign a new contract agreeing to work 50-55 hours per week while doing the equivalent of two jobs with no additional pay.
Some managers need to feel like they have all of the control over their workers. That compulsive need often leads them to ludicrous decisions that make absolutely no sense. But since they are so focused on their power trip, and generally don't care much about their employees, no one can stop them from making those decisions. Decisions that often do not benefit their place of work.
It is honestly amazing that we are in 2025, and bosses still fail to understand that micromanaging only pushes employees away. Employees these days often do not cave to the controlling behavior of their bosses, and they have no problem finding a way to get their bosses off their high horses.
Take the employees in this story for example. Their Karen manager decided the office spends too much money on office supplies, so she took it upon herself to find ways to save costs–Surely we all know that buying one less box of pencils or Post-it notes can really save companies from financial struggles.
Becoming the pre-determined go-to for assistance in something in your friend group or family is great until it's not, and everyone is over-relying on you to do something for them that they should be doing themselves.
It's like owning a truck in college; you're pretty proud of that truck, so when people ask you if you'd like to help them move, the answer is pretty simple: of course, you would! The thing is, you move a lot when you're in college, and you tend to "have" an over-inflated number of "friends" at that point in your life. So, while it feels good to help people out to start with, there are a whole lot of broke acquaintances out there who haven't planned ahead a day in their lives and who are desperate to move out of the place they were renting for the school year at the last minute.
Let's think of some Family Feud-style answers to this question: "Name somewhere you should never spray perfume." There are plenty of good answers to this. Keep that spritz to yourself while you're at a restaurant, party, funeral, or even just a random acquaintance's house. Do you know where else you should never spray perfume or cologne? In an enclosed space, like a train, plane, or automobile, lest you face the wrath of every single other passenger.
Some perfumes smell amazing, but that scent really lasts! Instead of smelling nice for a half hour or so, some smells linger on and on, and it can definitely bother some people's noses. Some folks get an instant headache after taking a whiff of that Chanel No. 5, while others get dizzy or nauseous from too strong a scent. That's one group of people… but others just can't leave the house without it. Maybe you've seen this person dousing themself in Axe body spray at the gym, leaving a cloud of the smell behind them. That person is going to be full of confidence in the way they smell, never realizing that they're bothering half the people around them with the strong scent.
Up next, read about the brother who showed up to his sibling's wedding with his pregnant girlfriend in tow, causing a lot of drama as he "admitted it's… not his baby."
There should be a different category for the kind of frustration that comes when your warnings are disregarded and then someone has the audacity to point a finger at you.
You know that feeling when you're riding shotgun and spot an obvious hazard ahead, but the driver's too busy feeling singing along to his obscure music choices to listen? Well, buckle up for a grand prix of corporate cruise control gone wrong, where warnings bounce off the windshield like bugs, and the driver of this particular racecar treats speed bumps like they're just suggestions.
Many of us have been there - finding a potential issue, carefully documenting, sending detailed warnings, and watching helplessly as management steps on the gas, ignoring every red flag.
So there you are, strapped into your corporate vehicle, watching your boss treat business decisions like they're playing Mario Kart. You've spotted what's clearly a massive speed bump - the kind that makes small cars lose their mufflers - but the driver's acting like he's got diplomatic immunity from the laws of physics.
You drive along watching this obstacle get bigger in the windshield, trying to get boss's attention with increasingly urgent "um, sir?" moments While their foot is firmly planted on the gas.
Then boom! The speed bump sends everything flying. Coffee spills everywhere, quarterly projections scatter across the back seat, and immediately the driver's pointing at you like you personally installed the speed bump overnight.
The truth is, that we all have to work to survive. We need food on the table, we must keep the lights on, and we struggle to find the time to simply be while navigating a work/life balance. In this day and age, the "grindset" is toxic, especially from our managers. They expect us to dish out record-breaking output in a short span of time, all the while making us work overtime without seeing the payout. Just so you know, companies—this is illegal (winks).
If it was up to you, I'm sure you'd rather spend your days traveling the world and eating good food if you didn't have to work to survive. Most of us probably feel that way. Some managers stuck in this "grindset" think that everyone strives to be the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. No, thank you! I very much prefer being an underling! With this toxic "grindset," however, managers will subject their employees to unpaid overtime to prove that they can take advantage of you. Not everyone thinks this way, but the manager in this next story sure does.
The user who posted this story worked overtime because they thought they'd get paid for it. Hint: They did not get paid for it. When this employee asks their manager about how they'll be paid, the manager goes on a rant about how her reward was helping out the team. Hey manager… the Department of Labor is calling! You're in big trouble…
There is no greater payback than one that extends beyond the grave. Who would have thought that this charming but scheming grandfather would have the last laugh?
This charming tale of seemingly lost green beans is not only a masterclass in petty revenge, but it's also a wholesome reminder of the amusing lengths people will go to avoid having to eat something they don't like. We associate this aversion to vegetables with kids, but this grandfather kept that aversion going throughout his entire life and beyond.
If you have ever worked in the service industry, then you know how important tipping is (at least, in the U.S.). For some, tipping is how they make the bulk of their income. Tipping used to be about giving a little extra to the server because they did such an excellent job. However, it has no transformed into a way a person makes their living. It's pretty whack, but that's just how it works in America right now. So it's difficult to traverse when or even if there is an actually appropriate time to not leave a tip. If you are unaware how restaurant dynamics work and you don't tip your server on an obviously very busy and stressful night, then you're probably entitled and lack the ability to have empathy.
However, what if you actually get poor service for really no good reason? Like, the place was basically empty, and yet you can never find your server. And when you do, they're just in the corner texting or yapping with their coworkers, with no regards to do their job. Perhaps, that is an appropriate time to express your disappointment by not tipping. In fact, many employees in the service industry would even agree!
Navigating the treacherous waters of family dynamics is difficult in the best of circumstances, let alone when they enter into the uncharted territory of blended families with fresh relationships and expectations laden with the baggage of past relationships and loss. These conditions are unforgiving, and waves of emotion make things all the more difficult.
Without a doubt, putting more pressure on a teen who is already having a tough time is never going to have the desired result. Pressure might make diamonds, but it sure as heck has never made anyone feel better about themselves or about the thing they're being pressured into…
People do the wildest things on their work video calls… and sometimes they don't even realize it until their coworkers are giggling at their expense.
I'm a huge fan of people who show their pets during Zoom video calls. First of all, if you work from home, Fluffy is your coworker now, so get him on the call, pronto! Second of all, your pet is never a bother. Cats love to jump up on the desk and start rubbing themselves on your face at the exact moment you're trying to give an important presentation to your boss (it's like they know that they're choosing the worst possible time to do it!). Don't be embarrassed that Mr. Whiskers is getting in the frame, just embrace it! Now, your precious pet can mug for the camera while you deliver last quarter's numbers. You've instantly livened up the meeting! Congrats!
However, that's not the only way you can liven up your coworker's video call experience and become the workplace personality hire. Just keep reading, and you'll find a bunch of stories about hilarity on video calls, for better or worse.
Up next, read about the inexperienced traveling YouTuber parents who plan to sell their home, travel full time, and make $50k, in that order: "
Gifts should not come at a price like this one. After all, the gift of a vacation is not the opportunity for a business venture.
Clearly, this one family thought differently when they invited their kid's friend to a trip to Costa Rica and subsequently charged the friend's parents for a significant portion of the trip without warning after the fact. Perhaps if the other kid's parents knew that this was always going to be the plan before the vacation, they wouldn't have allowed their daughter to go to Costa Rica. Let this story serve as a friendly reminder that transparency across all parties is key, people!
Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section.
Workplace drama has been heating up at these jobs, and workers are excited to spill the tea.
There's nothing that livens up a dreary Tuesday in the office like a little drama between coworkers, or a disagreement between management that the whole office overhears. Normally, your work life is full of spreadsheets and conference calls. But suddenly, you're transported back to high school, and the whole office is giddily whispering about the drama going down at work.
Ideally, you want to have a little bit of intrigue during your workday, but you definitely don't want to be in the office where there's a new disagreement or big blowup on the daily. Some jobs have employees with known rivalries, like the secretary who can't stand one of the higher-ups, or a retail worker who will cover shifts only for their friends. At previous jobs, I used to watch as managers would give the best shifts to employees they liked, while putting people they didn't care for on the late-night shifts or "clopening" shifts. Talk about pettiness!
Next, read about the construction workers who built an entire home backward to get back at their sassy architect boss's directions after he said, "I'm in charge here! You don't have the right to question me."
"There are too many streaming services these days," said everyone and their mother at some point over the last decade. It has been nearly 13 years since Netflix's very first original streaming series, the dark crime comedy Lilyhammer, premiered on the service. Since then, the structure of the film and television industry has never been the same, and neither has the way in which audiences consume material. Today, most plugged-in consumers have to manage monthly subscriptions for Netflix, Prime Video, Max, Disney+, Hulu, Apple TV+, Paramount+, even Peacock (just kidding, most people do not have Peacock). According to, a site that aggregates data and surveys regarding internet and mobile services based on market research and firsthand customer reviews, the average American has had enough with juggling all these subscriptions. In fact, American audiences spent 23% less on streaming services this past year, according to the same report.
While most kids would be happy to discover they are getting a new sibling, these things don't always come under the best circumstances.
Sure, it can be an exciting moment when both your parents sit you down and tell you that mom is pregnant and you are going to get a baby brother or sister. But there are other scenarios in which a new brother and sister is not as exciting as it may sound.
If your parents are already divorced, and the new sibling is actually coming from someone one of your parents is now dating, it wouldn't surprise anyone if excitement is not on the table. Accepting step-parents and step-siblings is not easy, and definitely not that exciting, so the journey to accept it is different for everyone.
It is natural when you are being thrust upon a new family, to not really want to have anything to do with it. If you don't really want to 'connect' with new stepsiblings, you shouldn't be forced to. A family is something you build, and everyone should want to be a part of that.
That cannot be said about the family in the story below.
In sickness and in health. For better or for worse. In life and in death. These are the sorts of things you'd hope your long-term partner would commit to when they decide they want to be with you. And when you realize that you can't commit to these things or that your partner is not the right person for you, you hope that it will end amicably and reasonably, as adult relationships should. Alas, this isn't always the case. Some people struggle with expressing their emotions when it gets down to the nitty-gritty, and they don't have much in their emotional toolbelt to deal with it. This leads to ghosting, poor communication, and the end-all-be-all: cheating.
In this story, OP is coming to a crossroads with his partner. Growing pains, as some may say. He asks her to spend some quality time with him, and she instead chooses to hang out with her friends for all hours of the night. It's hard not to imagine the worst when your partner isn't giving you any answers, and yet, you hope that in times of trouble, you'll be able to act rashly. Would you do what OP does in this scenario? Read more to find out.
Family dramas come in all shapes and sizes, but this dude chose the most explosive time to drop his relationship news to his extended family.
Even the most peace-loving family will have their challenging moments. Disagreements will always happen, and the quickest way to solve them is through good communication. That's the exact opposite of what this person's brother did, though. He showed up with enough drama to cause an entire wedding to be about him!
If your sibling stole the show at your special event, you'd probably be upset, too. A wedding is supposed to show off the new couple's love story as their friends and family celebrate their future together. So if the whole wedding is spent yammering on about what the bride or groom's brother is doing, that would be quite frustrating for the newlyweds. That drama will still be there the next day to talk about, yet that's most likely going to be the main thing people remember from the ceremony. There's only one thing for this person to do: crash the baby's birth to announce their own big accomplishment!
Next up, this accountant accidentally caused an employee to start spending $40-60 per meal during a work trip to NYC.
Retail is an industry that weeds the wit out of the dunces. If you've ever wanted to feel intellectually superior to any incoming customer, perhaps a cashier's job in retail is for you! However, be mindful that retail is a place where common sense goes to perish, but it's also a place of dwindling patience, 30-day refund rebuttals, and feral Karens.
Back when I worked in retail, I worked as a salesperson, cashier, and stock girl–you know, general low-level employee stuff. We made commission on sales, but oftentimes, I found myself struggling to sell middle-class college kids a $3,000 suit for their cousin's wedding, and it didn't sit right to take advantage of customers in their most vulnerable state. So, instead, I fielded Karens at the customer service desk and avoided the sales floor; I noticed that the most insane customers flocked right to the cash register. Eyes red with rage and often shaking 2-year-old receipts in their hand for a well-worn return, I realized there were far worse fates in the retail world than leveraging your commission on unwitting customers.
You could instead be stuck shackled to the register…
In every office, there's an unspoken tension in the shared kitchen. The fridge, the battleground. The rules are supposedly simple: what's not yours, don't touch. Yet, there's always that one person who sees a clearly labeled lunch as nothing more than an invitation all-you-can-eat buffet.
One spice-loving, frustrated victim decided this time, revenge is a dish best served extra hot, and invited the thief to a special episode of "Hot Lunch: "The show with hot retaliations, and even hotter pings."
The rightful owner of the stolen meals, a spice connoisseur themself, had prepared their favorite hot pasta dish– an extra chillis masterpiece of fiery revenge, the kind of bright red dish that would make spice eaters mouths' water, but would do the same to more sensitive folks' eyes and forehead.
That day the thief didn't just swipe an innocent meal—he unintentionally signed up for a culinary brawl, he wasn't just a lunch bandit—he was the star of an unplanned live delivery of "Iron Chef: Breakroom Inferno."
One bite and the thief found themselves deep in uncharted territory. The heat level climbed faster than tensions in a high-stakes cooking show finale.
By the end, the thief was left with more than just stomach woes—they'd been served a generous scoop of karma, garnished with poetic justice. A dish so stirring–tears, sweat, and regret pour like wine at a fine bistro.
There is a time and a place to talk about someone behind their backs. The elevator is certainly not one of those places. In fact, people seem to have forgotten what elevator etiquette even looks like anymore. The best practices are to stay silent and respectful;f if you must speak, just make meaningless small talk.
With all this in mind, let's take this opportunity to remind folks how one should never behave in an elevator. Keep phone conversations brief. Don't take up so much space that everyone else has to squeeze. Apply deodorant before you end up in confined spaces, people! Last, but certainly not least: Never comment on a stranger's appearance in front of them unless you're giving a harmless compliment. It's best to just not say anything at all. Keep scrolling below for this tale of elevator confusion!
The 'trend' of people reserving spots by the pool is something that only started growing in recent years. Vacationers found out that if they put their towels on a sun chair, they could leave for however long they wanted, then come back and the chair would be theirs no matter how long have passed.
This led people to plot ahead and get to the pool as soon as it opened, throw a towel on as many chairs as they wanted, then go to breakfast, do their business, and return to the chair when they were ready. This also meant that people who were actually at the pool often didn't have any chairs to use, because they were all taken by those imaginary people.
Well, the vacationer in this story was not going to let this ridiculous ploy go any further. While vacationing in a resort in Australia, this guest noticed people trying out this towel 'hack', and decided to put a stop to it as soon as possible. How did they do it? Keep scrolling to find out.
It's not easy to make yourself stand out on paper. That's what 99% of job candidates have to deal with every time they submit an application. The remaining 1%, of course, are the folks who likely bypass this step because of a prior connection, but that's a whole separate issue.
Today, we're going to take a look at all the times people tried to stand out in all the wrong ways on their resumes and cover letters. Recruiters are used to seeing the same mistakes over and over again, from typos to embellished employment histories to strange details that should never have been shared in the first place. Here's what these recruiters believed to be the most memorable resume flops they have come across throughout their careers.
Sometimes, usually more often than we would like to, being nice to other people completely backfires and leaves us wishing we never left our house in the morning. You can have the purest intentions and still end up being the 'bad guy' in the story, at least from the perspective of the person you were trying to help.
When it comes to neighborly disputes, these types of situations happen a lot more than you would think. As much as we want to be nice to our neighbors, that almost never works out. Neighbors have a tendency to not want anything to do with each other and be overly sensitive about even the tiniest issues. So trying to help each other? We all really are better off staying at home.
I'm sure that the neighbor in this story would agree, since it is clear by the end of their story that they wished they never attempted to help out their entitled neighbor when they did.
Usually, the types of overly authoritative interactions you have with your managers take place well behind closed doors or on a phone call—both where no one else can overhear. Then, if they say anything unprofessional or out of order, it becomes a he-said-she-said type of situation to get it all straightened out.
Luckily, the worst of these sorts of people and managers who think it's alright to behave this way have no self-awareness, which is good for the rest of us because it becomes far easier to hold them accountable for the things they say and do that are out of order. Such as this manager who wound up getting himself fired for having it out with a teen worker working their first job for a simple mistake that could have been a simple learning moment later on.
Come to New York for the attractions, stay for the incredible food. It's one of the best parts of visiting the Big Apple: it's hard to go wrong when you're choosing your meals. Almost any slice of pizza you have will be delectable. There are bodegas open 24/7 for anyone who needs a snack. And there are so many restaurants that it makes your head spin! You could live here for your whole life and still have hundreds of restaurants to choose from while picking out a meal.
Of course, this city is notoriously expensive to live in or visit. The same way that everything is bigger in Texas, everything is more costly in New York. A dinner elsewhere might cost you half the price, so it's important to keep the costs in mind as you chow down in the big city. And it's not just big cities, either: anywhere you travel will have tourist districts where things are just inherently more expensive in order to price-gouge the unaware tourist crowd.
Next, check out the funny nesting places of birds, like one bird who chose the perfect place to nest: in between two train tracks.
Finding a job where one feels respected, nurtured, and important should be the top priority for any employee in the workforce. That doesn't mean this is always the case for employees simply trying to get in and get out of the workplace every day to make ends meet. The lucky few who have managers and supervisors who look out for their best interest should count their blessings… You never know when you'll end up at a filler job waiting for the next unicorn offer to fall into your lap.
What does one do when they find this unicorn offer, though? Surely, handing your boss your resignation should be enough. After all, you probably want out of that toxic workplace as soon as possible, especially if your boss finds every reason to unwarrantedly reprimand you and your work ethic. Do you apologize for leaving? No. Do you tell them you're quitting and leave it at that? Yes. Sugarcoating your exit does nothing for you or your employer—you have to save all of that "sugar" for your new boss!
The user who posted this story tried to quit their job while they were on the phone with their manager. Before her could mutter one word, his manager started berating and nagging him about multiple miscellaneous tasks that were in his job description. Even when the employee explicitly states that he needs to talk to his manager about something, his manager asks if it can wait until Monday. Little does the manager know… The employee's new job starts on Monday.
There's something about having a pool in your backyard as a kid that instantly boosted your coolness factor. Suddenly, you were the kid everyone wanted to hang out with, and your house became the neighborhood hot spot. Friends would show up with floaties, sunscreen, and hopeful grins. And who could blame them? You had instant access to paradise whenever you wanted.
But if you didn't have a pool, you definitely had a mental map of every pool within a five-house radius. You'd spot the glint of water over a fence, hear the faint splash of cannonballs in the distance, and immediately start scheming. Who lived there? Could you befriend them? Did they have kids your age? Strategic alliances were formed, and invitations were subtly (or not-so-subtly) secured.
It's hard to comply with your employer when they're being hypocritical. Unfortunately, most employees have to deal with this stark reality at some point in their careers. Even when you think you've earned a place of respect among your supervisors and those above you in the workplace hierarchy, one of those higher-ups is going to pull some nonsense that only they can get away with on the job.
This is why every manager should ask themselves if they would be willing to do whatever it is they are asking of the people working for them. In many ways, that moment of self-reflection is at the heart of strong leadership, but because leaders seldom take a moment to do this, strong leadership is difficult to find. Keep scrolling below to hear this employee's anecdote about having to work from home due to childcare and having his request denied by a hypocritical human resources representative.
Let's see a raise of hands for how many folks out there pledged to eat healthier in 2025. Many of us have tackled our diets for a New Year's Resolution and considering a little over a week has gone by since the ball dropped in Times Square, I'd wager we're all starting to realize how much we miss those delicious foods that don't make the cut.
Cheesecake, mac and cheese, and BBQ tri-tip are a few entries in our diet app that you might consider fudging the numbers over, but certainly not when you're taking your diet tracking seriously. Still, when you're on a diet, and your mind is fuzzy from hunger after eating nothing but an iceberg lettuce salad for lunch, your mind may wander towards the dessert table, tempting you with chocolatey delights. And with your brain fog increased and your inhibitions low, you might completely forget to log that secret dessert.
However, if days later you look back at your calorie tracking app and it says you ate a whole roast turkey last Wednesday, something's up. That's no secret snack, but an entire 8-person family dinner! Keep scrolling for the story of a guy who pranked a stranger on their diet app by adding random–and enormous–meals to their calendar.
All respect towards construction workers, who spend their days doing the difficult labor that most of us could never do. These workers lift bags of concrete, use jackhammers, hammer steel into place, and do other tasks that require a lot of know-how. Many spend years--or an entire career--honing their craft in order to make buildings that are safe and sturdy.
If you work with skilled people for a while, you'll find they have something in common: they won't suffer fools. If someone around them starts questioning their expertise, they'll give them a stare and push back. But if that newbie insists on doing things their way, the wiser and older worker might just let them do it. Making mistakes is certainly one way to learn! It'll also teach all the coworkers around them that you can publicly embarrass yourself into learning a lesson, if that's the path you so choose.
Check out what happened when a bossy architect tried to boss around his workers. They came up with an awfully clever solution, which people in the comments celebrated.
Next, read about the guy who teased a husky with his $900 drone and swiftly found out why that was a very bad idea.
Parents often tell their kids to be careful about what they post on social media, but the truth of the matter is that in this day and age, adults should be just as cautious. Sure, kids might get in trouble at school or with their peers, but the same potential danger can be applied to adults on social media. In fact, how many adults do you know who post without thinking of the consequences of what they are saying? How many of these adults are your parents or your friends' parents? I rest my case.
Yes, being careful about how much you reveal online is important for your well-being and even your job security. One way to avoid this completely is by keeping all coworkers and employers away from your private social media. You can even tell them that it's nothing personal; you're just protecting yourself and keeping your work life separate from your private life. Most folks should understand this, and if this worker had followed this guidance, he probably would not have ended up in this dire situation.
The best thing about the winter season is getting to take your kids sledding, some for the first time ever. There's nothing more exciting than watching your little kiddo's face light up as they catch some speed down a bunny hill and glide over the white, powdery landscape. In this day and age, getting your children outside and active is integral to giving them some time in nature and getting them off the iPad (for once!)
In an HOA, it's tricky differentiating what is HOA community property and what is a homeowner's private property. If you intend to bring your child on a winter wonderland excursion, you should know where you're bringing them and if you're allowed to hang out there.
Once you've figured out that you're on public property, everything is fair game. The user who posted this story was sledding near a neighbor's home (but not on their property) and having a grand old time with their child. That was, until, one of the homeowners told them to stop sledding down the hill. Their reasoning was that the road was near the bottom of the very small hill this user's kid was sledding down, but the user was watching their child the entire time and decided there was no threat to their safety. The user takes their child and leaves to avoid further arguments, but is surprised to see later on that the neighbors have blocked the bottom of the hill with miscellaneous garbage items. Sounds like a violation to me…
There's a lot about weddings that people get upset about or—dare I say it… crabby? When you're planning a wedding, there are also a lot of shellfish people out there who would seek to ruin your perfect day, filling it with their own ideas and ideals about how things should be done.
Nevertheless, there's nothing selfish about refusing to store 200 lbs of shellfish; there are certain things that are just too big of an ask, and this is one of them. But that didn't stop this bride from trying to get her brother to store 200 lbs of crab in his bathtub to keep them fresh for her big crab-themed wedding. The very real crabs were supposed to serve the dual purpose of both bauble and banquet, which really makes no sense and brings several health concerns to mind…
Parents of multiple children, I don't know how you do it. Watching a singular child can take up all of your energy. Add two or three more to the mix, and all bets are off. You find yourself letting the kids watch TV just so you can chase the baby around. Or you'll have to take the kids outside so they can burn off their extra energy, but you have to put the toddler in a harness backpack because you can't watch all the kids at one time. Parenting is never an easy job, but the more kids you have to watch at one time, the more insane you're going to feel.
This person shared that they're in a community where they frequently babysit for their friends, but they keep ending up with 4 children on their hands at the same time. The ages are 6, 5, 4, and 1, but only the 6 and 1 year old are this person's kids. The other two are the children of a friend, who keeps sneaking away to work, leaving this person to babysit four children under 6 years old.
When you're living in an apartment building, especially in New York City, you're living on top and under piles of people (literally and figuratively). That's the trade-off for living in the Big Apple! However, when living in close quarters with strangers, being on your best behavior is integral to ensuring the peace between and safety of the folks residing in the building. It's the least you can do while you're living in a shoe box apartment!
Unfortunately, entitled people exist everywhere—especially in one of the most populated cities in the United States. Most folks can't afford a three bedroom unit with extra closet space and a dishwasher, so they opt for a cozy one bedroom or studio to make things work within their means. However, their lack of space should not be anyone else's problem.
The user who posted this story is dealing with an upstairs neighbors who, without fail, park their child's stroller in front of her front door. Aside from this being completely illogical, it is also a fire code violation and can land the property manager in big trouble. If something were to go down in the building, that stroller is the difference between the user getting out or being stuck inside her apartment. Even after she asks them nicely to leave the stroller elsewhere, they refuse. So, she takes it up with the big guy—needless to say, the neighbors didn't take it well at all. Scroll to read the entire absurd story below.
It's hard not to roll your eyes at the sheer audacity of this post. A "job" where you just sit around and read books? Really? While the rest of us grind through deadlines, meetings, and the endless demands of modern work, you're out here dreaming of a life that sounds more like a vacation than a career.
The tone is almost laughable—"I don't require a lot of money," "don't even need benefits." Benefits? Who are they? I don't know any benefits! It's as if this person has stumbled into adulthood and decided to opt out of its most basic struggles.
But then again… imagine it. A quiet corner with soft warm light, the weight of a hardcover in your hands, the soft rustle of pages, the world fading into the background as you lose yourself in stories and ideas. No emails to answer, no office politics to navigate, just you and the written word. Maybe there's a small desk where you occasionally check in a patron or answer a phone call, but mostly, it's just peace.
The kind of peace that lets you breathe deeply and think clearly for the first time in years. Is it so wrong to want that? To dream of escaping the grind for something simpler, gentler? More quiet, maybe even more natural? The idea starts to feel intoxicating, kind of like stepping into a warm bath after a long day.
Ahem, I mean—what? No, of course not. That's ridiculous, right?
School uniforms are a pain for almost everyone involved. A strict dress code forces students to wear virtually the same outfit every day of the week. This, of course, becomes challenging for kids who want to express their individuality with the clothes they wear. This should be a freedom that students and faculty alike should enjoy.
Speaking of faculty, enforcing a strict dress code is no walk in the park either. Half of the time, these faculty members do not decide on the rules but are required to call out any and all slight violations of said policies. Finally, parents have to endure the arduous task of purchasing multiples of the same few outfits and washing them regularly so that their kids can look the same every day.
In short, dress codes are not fun for anyone, except for perhaps the traditionally minded board member who refuses to back down on these rules and regulations. Keep scrolling below to see how this mother fought back and succeeded in significantly altering her kid's school dress code!
Imagine this wholesome and gentle scenario - your cat approaches you with his tail perked up in excitement and his eyes blinking slowly, indicating he's here to love and to receive love. He snuggles up next to you, in his fluffy feline fashion, sending one of his front legs towards you and paws you gently. Isn't that just the cutest, most wholesome thing a cat pawrent can expurrience? Just a smol touch of a cat's paw. It can change a day's mood, it can make any humble hooman happy for a long time. It's like a tiny imprint of bliss.
We want to help any hooman experience this meowgnificent moment, even if they're not cat pawrents - so we turned to the next best thing, which is also so easy to transfer to any feline fan - cat memes. And not just any cat memes - toe beans and paws. These memes are like a cat pawing at you gently, wholesome but full of humor all hoomans can harvest.
It's Tuesday, feline fam, and all we want to do today is curl up in our beds and snuggle with our cats all day. To be fair, that's what we want to do every day, but especially on this cold, wintery Tuesday. If we could pick our purrfect cuddle puddle, it would be with a family of cheetahs. It would be like cuddling with a great dane, but better, because it would be a giant cat that meows and purrs.
Just imagine how soft it would be. Just imagine purrs from a 120 lb. cat…it must be meowgical. Now, multiply that by three, and you've successfully managed to expurrience what the hooman guard in this video gets to enjoy every night. He guards a family of cheetahs at a wildlife reserve, and while sleeping under the stars, the large feline family snuck in for a cuddle puddle overnight, showcasing the heartwarming connections pawssible between hoomans and animals. We're not just awwwww-ing over this, we're also pawsitively jealous. Scroll down to watch the wholesome video below!
Everyone loves itty bitty kittens, we know it. There is something about that smallness, that tininess, that wholesomeness that just- melts people on the inside. Tiny kittens have that power over us, which is why everyone wants to adopt one. You walk into a shelter, and the kittens there use their superpowers to obtain those furever homes that they want. Meanwhile… the senior cats at the shelter just stay in the shelter. For years. Alone. Waiting for their humans to finally come strolling in.
If you didn't know, senior cats are the least adopted at the shelters, and we think that's tragic and wrong, and it's something that we will not stand for. Senior cats make amazing pets. They have so much love to give, so much wisdom at their older ages, the wisdom to know that what they have with their humans is precious. People who have senior cats know this. They know that senior cats deserve love too. And that's what we are going to remind people of today as well.
Being a cat parent comes with an abundance of positive experiences and good memories. However, it also comes with a list of challenges and potential risks that need to be thought out accordingly. Cat shenanigans occur frequently and can put hoomans through a lot of stress, much like the challenge we are featuring today. The original poster of this thread recounts the awwmazing experience of their cat finding their way home after over three years of being lost and alone in the harsh landscape of Canada.
This person lives on a farm with no neighbors in sight, and when their cat disappeared they assumed the worst. Perhaps the cat had been eaten by an animal or hadn't managed to survive the harsh Canadian winter that occurred after her disappearance. Who knows. But alas, the adorable orange fluffer defied all odds and not only survived but managed to find her way home after years had passed. Over here at ICanHasCheezburger, we live for these wholesome reunion stories and are in awe of the strength of our wonderful feline companions.
Good meowrning and salutations to our fabulous feline enthusiast readers tuning in from the comfort of their computer and phone screens. We happen to be in the business of spreading fluffy feline energy, and you already know that this business is serious. The world needs more wholesome goodness, now more than ever. We are here to do our part to make sure the distribution of fluffy feline energy is both efficient and effective.
The meowrific memes we have collected for you funny feline-loving hoomans today are equal parts hilarious and wholesome. We mixed it all up together with some sugar, spice, everything nice, and voila. The results speak for themselves. Cat memes have universal appeal, bringing joy to people everywhere, any time of day. Their endless variety and versatility make them uniquely shareable across all audiences. What makes cat memes especially beloved is their star subjects themselves - after all, any content featuring cats has an automatic charm that's hard to resist.
Now put your paws up and enjoy all of the fluffy feline energy and pure unadulterated humor we've got going on for you today.
Phew, finally a moment to switch off and relax. Operating such heavy machinery as one's own brain can be quite the taxing affair, and when we are given little to no time to fully switch that big old melon off, it can be quite the crushing feeling to keep it operating smoothly. But you know we love you feline fanatics, and would be beside ourselves if you ever felt the scourge of feline-less burnout - a condition brought on by working too hard and not looking at enough cute cats. So we thought ahead and made sure that alongside your lunch, you would have some tasty cat treats to munch.
Coming from the lap of luxury as a cat is quite the privileged position, especially considering the amount of cattos out there who are still hunting for their food on a daily basis. But the lavish life has its drawbacks, because with that much time on your hands you begin to wonder what it is you are doing with your life and whether it is enough for you to be happy. As the saying goes, idle hands do the bad man's work. And that is where we meet the beginning of this cute cat child's story, at the beginning of this new year, where he found himself distraught over his life and decisions and in need of a change.
Many of us have a nostalgic bone inside that generates an emotional response and an "aww" whenever we encounter a reminder from the past. We can even reminisce about times before we were born and feel nostalgic vicariously. In this day and age, it's even easier because there's a plethora of digital documentation and reconstructions to help us gain an understanding of other eras.
This nostalgic tendency inspires a love for vintage aesthetics. Everything looks better vintage: clothes, furniture, or art. There's a yearning for the stains of a poster, the crumpling sound of a record, or the faded, offline hues of a T-shirt. And adding cats to this aesthetic celebration? Well, that's just too purrfect. Since vintage has this kitsch tone, fluffy felines fit beautifully into the nostalgic vibe. It's adding cutesy to cutesy and doubling the sugar. Tiny kittens and chubby chonkers - so long as they have the awwdorable fluff - they elevate the romantic style.
Here's a list we've compiled of some furrbolous photos of vintage cats for you to scroll through and sigh wholeheartedly. Here's how to do it: take a rose-painted cup from grandma - or the neighbor - and fill it with tea. Wear whatever lovely vintage you have on hand. Sit cozily on the sofa (better with a kitten cuddled on your lap), put some oldies on Spotify, and start scrolling.
Hello cat pawrents, how are you doing? And how is your fluffy feline friend that waits for you at home? Be honest here for a second - don't you wish you could send some cat memes for your cat? Like you do for friends and family. You scroll through some memes during your work break and see something you know would make someone laugh - and you simply send it to them. No need for added context, no need for added text, and they'll understand. How cool would that be if we could do that with cats? Would you send your cat a meme about their 3 am zoomies, or their delusion that their food bowl is empty?
But thinking about it, if we could send memes to our cats - they'd be able to send us memes back. Would they be the sassy cats they are and send us memes about hooman procrastination? Would they send us memes about the dishes in the sink that we cannot seem to care about? On second thought, maybe it's best that cats and hoomans cannot exchange memes with each other…
Are you a hardworking hooman? Do you love cats with all your heart? Well, well, well, let us tell you a little secret we know for getting through a workweek much easier than usual. It obviously involves you being a hardworking hooman who also loves cats with all their heart. This well-kept secret is cat memes. Well, it might be a secret that's not really a secret - more like an open secret that's revealed to the public in any meowment. But we're here to tell you about it, in case you forgot you have this ameowzing way to have the week pass faster, with more fun. And cats. A lot more cats.
So, cat memes? They're the best way for any feline fanatic fan to pass the time through the week. Like, you work hard, probably so you can purchase all these yummy treats for your fluffy feline friend at home - you deserve a hearty laugh break before the weekend comes, no? So kick back and relax for a few minutes with these cat memes, for a feline laugh.
Life isn't always catnip and catnaps, feline fam. Sometimes, life feels like you're stuck in the litter box with no way out and no hooman to scoop up your business in a timely fashion. Sometimes, it feels like you've been on a dry kibble diet for meownths on end, with no snackies or Churus to bring you any joy whatsoever. But never fear, there is a light in the darkness. This light is accessible to everyone with thumbs (sorry, cattos), and you can access them literally any time with an internet connection - hilarious cat memes.
Nothing fights off life's ruff patches than some whisker therapy and pawsitively funny felines. They are the best. We mean, have you ever met a cat before? Have you ever scrolled through a silly series of feline funnies? If the answer is yes to both of those questions, then you know how purrfectly powerful these things are. So don't frown, just feline. That worked better in our heads, but you get the idea. Stop reading now and get your giggle on, enjoy!
Okay, so everyone knows that itty bitty kitties are awesome. Everyone. We don't need to convince you of that. And really, everyone here, who reads ICHC on a consistent basis, also knows that all other cats are pawsome as well. We spend every day proving it to people, writing about how amazing senior cats are, how meowgical black cats are, how sweet chonky cats are and how the chonkier the cat, the more cat there is for you to love.
We keep telling everyone, but not everyone listens. That's the only explanation for why still - still - so many senior cats and black cats and sick cats and every other "impurrfect" cat is stuck in shelters for months and years on end. Somehow, people don't get it. And that's what the person in this story found out too. For some inexplicable reason, no one wanted to adopt this chonky blind cat. No one. And she waited and waited, until someone finally took a chance on her, and that's all she needed - a little love to show her true, goofy colors.
Rescuing a kitten is an amazing thing to do. It's a heroic thing to do, and that's how we, here at ICHC, treat such a thing. To rescue a kitten in need is a selfless act, it's something that most people would not even think of doing, and it's pretty much always a good thing. Pretty much always. You do have to be careful. You do have to remember that this kitten that you want to bring into your family also comes from its own family, and maybe - just maybe - there is a momma cat somewhere out there, looking for its kitten.
This is something that we always recommend: if you're rescuing an itty bitty kitten from the street, do stick around for a little while and make sure that you are not separating it from its momma. Now, we don't know if the person in this story did this, but we do know that they did the right thing. This kitten needed help, urgently, and her mom coming back to look for her doesn't change that. It just means that this rescuer may have signed up to adopting 2 cats instead of one without knowing it.
Do you ever sit back, look at your cat, and realize how lucky we are to live in the same world as these furrbulous creatures? I know I do. They're without a doubt one of the world's greatest creations, and they know it too. What do I mean by this? Well, they think they own the world (they know they own the world) and show it by stepping all over our faces at 3 AM when they decide they would like some cuddle time or some food refills. They paw at us when they want and we happily oblige because, well, what else are we good for if not to serve the single brain-celled fur babies? Nothing, that's the answer.
Without cats, what would we do with ourselves? They bring joy and happiness everywhere they go! The world is their catwalk (pun INTENDED) and they strut along, prompting "awwwws" and "spspspspsps" from every hooman being they come across. In a purrfect world, cats would be in charge. I guess they already are. If you're pawndering on the history of cathood, scroll below. It'll make you happy to be alive at the same time as these hissterical creations!
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Cats are always watching us. If you live alone, but you have a cat, you can always count on your feline to give you that feeling of surveillance security. Although they wouldn't be very helpful in a mano-a-mano battle with an intruder, cats are ever-watchful—even when they're blind.
Blind cats don't lose that certain stalker vibe that felines give off and despite their disability, never falter in their prowess. Relying on their other predatory instincts, cats with optical boundaries are just as sassy and silly as their eye-balled counterparts. In fact, many blind cat owners insist that their felines are actually the optimal pets, because they rely on hoomans a little bit more. Just take the cloudy-eyed cuties in our next collection. Meet the goobers behind the ocular mishaps and enjoy these rambunctious fellows who are living life to the fullest.
Pawsitive Vibes: Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for the purrfect Caturday treat!
Getting things out in the open is one of the more important life skills to learn. Often we find ourselves festering and bubbling with rage over things that were initially small and inconsequential, that with time build up into horrific mountains of rage. But if we learn how to wholesomely communicate what we are feeling when we begin to feel it then we have a much better chance of getting over it and even getting what we want and need. And we have been lucky enough to encounter a clouder of cats who have learned how to do just that. And thanks to the power of the internet, we have collected them all in one place for your viewing pleasure.
Children, and cat children especially, can get up to some pretty weird stuff while we sleep. It is not uncommon to hear stories of little ones walking into walls, talking to themselves, doing dances in the middle of the night that they have no business knowing or in the funniest of cases emulating the legendary moves of John Cena in your bedroom. But today's story seems to tell the tale of a cute cat child who has a secret desire to become a hairdresser. But due to the stigma surrounding cats and working life, is too embarrassed to admit to their wacky want in the light of day and so suppresses their dream. But as we all know, pushing things down is hardly a healthy way to deal with things in life and one way or another, things always bubble up to the surface.
For a feline fanatic there is hardly anything sweeter and treatier than the pawdorable paws of a cute catto. Something about their mitten like appearance simply makes our hearts swell, and we are left in puddles of melted cuteness all over the floor. When you add toe beans to the mix, things get even more over the top cute and as many a feline pawrent will know, the temptation to hold, play with and pet paws is one that is overwhelming and worth risking a monch or two on the hand to have experienced. Perhaps it rests on the same concept as a magic rabbit's paw, but whatever it is the sensation is overwhelming, rendering us unable to control ourselves. But seeing as we are in the office and have to behave like even slightly normal functioning hoomans and not feline fanatics, it is probably for the best that we do not have direct IRL access to said paws.
We love cat memes here, if it wasn't clear from the decades of cat memes' adoration on I Can Has Cheezburger. We love all kinds of cat memes, because they're seriously the best kind of memes to have ever meme around.
We love the sassy Sunday cat memes, that fill you with the confidence of a chill Sunday and the sass of a cat needed to deal with the Monday that comes right after, while still celebrating the weekend. We love the Monday meowing memes that come after, helping hardworking hoomans deal with the start of the workweek with the charm and charisma cat memes can offer. We also love the seriously silly cat memes for brain-fried feline fans who deal with the workweek's midweek madness until the weekend comes again, and the cycle of cat memes can be renewed.
There are cat memes for anyone, for any time, for anywhere. Can memes are so diverse, and there are plenty of them to go around. This is why we love cat memes so much. This, and the fact they have cats in them - because everything is better with cats, and that's a feline fact.
Cats are such weird creatures, and we say that with absolute love for these fluffy felines. But cats are weird. They're somehow both fierce hunters who can stalk prey for the perfect hunt, but also complete doofuses who stare at a blank wall for two hours. Cats are somehow both affectionate little floofs who seek endless attention, but also can be afraid of cucumbers or when you sneeze too loud. Cats are somehow both the cutest and the weirdest creatures. It's this duality we're talking about.
But it's also why we love cats so much. It's not only the wholesome and cute moments (which are absolutely ameowzing), it's also the weird part in their purrsonalities that makes us love them so much. Cats are cute little weirdos that make us laugh out loud. So it's no wonder cat memes are the dominant form of comedy online - cats and comedy are such a weird but natural connection. We gathered some wholesomely weird cat memes so we could all enjoy a break with cats' ameowzing weirdness.
Hey there, feline fam. Are you ready for a love story more beautiful than Romeo & Juliet? More awwdorable than Lancelot and Guinevere? More purrfect than Jack and Rose from Titanic? Well, good because you're in for a treat! This is a love story that overcomes all differences - stripes and spots, cats and dogs, abandoned to adopted, etc. It's a meowdern love story, and honestly, we couldn't be smiling more at this story with a wholesome, happy ending.
Enter one seriously smol kitten, stage left. She was only supposed to be a foster kitten, only supposed to stay for a little while, but then, she won over her hoomans' hearts by going and falling in love with her "new sister." She not only happened to be much bigger than this kitten cutie, but also a different species! That's right - this kitten fell in love with the family's dalmation, and they just couldn't say no to keeping her. Now they go on awwdorable adventures together, and can often be caught snuggling together in the cutest of fashions. Scroll down to watch their love story bloom and blossom!
We love cats. We don't know if that was clear to everyone by now. We write about them all day every day, and we truly do not run out of things to write. Because cats are pawsome, and there are simply too many cats out there for us to ever run out of things to say. Like, did you know that all orange cats share one braincell? They do. It makes them special to us. And did you know that black cats are actually meowgical, and that is why sometimes, you can catch yourself talking to a crumpled black T-shirt, thinking that it's your cat? And what about hairless cats that look like uncooked chicken? That's it. They just do. And that's pawmazing.
No matter how many cats we see, how many cats we write about, there is always another special cat somewhere out there - a cat with some unique and rare fur pattern that we have not come across before, and even though we wish we could write about them all individually, we have decided to spare you our rambling and put all those unique cats into one listicle right here.
Another work day. Yay. Okay, yeah, we can pretend to be as excited as we want to be, we can talk about resolutions and about how it's still only January, but we can also be honest with ourselves and say that we wish we were at home instead of work right meow, and that's okay. It's okay to admit it to yourself. Talking about the problem is the first step to solving it, and we have the second step ready for you right here. Yup, you guessed it. It's a whole bunch of hissterical cat memes.
Look, the second step to solving any problem is laughing at a bunch of cat memes. It's good for your soul, doesn't matter where you are in the world, whether you are at home or at work. Some silly cat memes are like… a sprinkling of goodness on your salad at lunch. You can giggle at them while eating and ignoring all your coworkers around you, and sometimes, that is exactly what you need to feel better.
You remember when Cinderella was crying and then all of a sudden her fairy godmother appeared! That is kind of like your cat. When you are sitting there feeling down about yourself they appear for cuddles, pets, (probably food), and all the love. You immediately feel better. For many cat families, the feline friend is one of the main sources for happiness—their cat is their meowgical fairy god meowther! Yes, a lot of meow puns and that is because it is part of an ancient feline incantation that has a lot o meowing in it. Cat moms know that their furbaby is more than just a pet, it is their magical partner in crime, their furever fantastical feline friend, your meowgical fairy god meowther.
They might not grant wishes like in Cinderella and turn your pumpkins into carriages or your rags into a gorgeous ballgown, but they can pretty easily make some of your sadness disappear. They can help meow away your tears. Or they can just be there to be a warm fuzzy thing to cuddle as you shed some tears. They have been worshiped since the Ancient Egyptians and it looks like that cat worshipping isn't letting up anytime soon.
Sometimes destiny simply walks right into your home and jumps on your bed
Thee is so much malice and madness in the world that we live in that it is important to stop and remind ourselves of the good that exists as well. Whether it is the opening of a rosebud, the rising of the sun or the resting of a cat child. Wholesome and heartwarming moments are all around us, we simply have to look up from the melancholy filling our phones and see the good for ourselves. And one of those good things in life, is the existence of cute kittens, who in their diminutive size and fast emptying energy are unable to do so much damage, even if it is the case that they attempt to be a clawminal or facetious feline.
The current trend of hands off parenting is an interesting one. After so many of us were brought up with the strict rules imposed on us by boomers, it is unsurprising that our reaction has been to raise our own children with a complete lack of rules. Setting them free upon the world with no understanding or respect for authority. In some way, we believe that this lack of control will allow our children to blossom and do whatever makes them happiest. But in reality it means that they can easily get waylaid by silly obsessions that do more harm than good to everyone involved. And considering that our generation has taken to raising cat children as a legitimate alternative to hooman children, it is no surprise that cats are acting out as well.
Technology is great. When we were young, we were amazed that our parents didn't have computers, but our children will be just as amazed that we didn't have the Internet and AI. To them, life without social media will seem like caveman living, and they're not entirely wrong, considering how much social networks have brought into our lives.
One of the silliest uses for social media these days involves surprisingly low-tech activities: people uploading photos and asking group members to Photoshop them. Most of the time, the comments are hissterical. But some posts really turn on the waterworks—like when someone asks for a loved one who has passed away to be Photoshopped into a group photo. If you want to laugh your eyes out - or cry them out - sometimes both at once, check out these free Photoshop groups.
As feline lovers, we were naturally curious to see what people would request for their cute cat photos. After all, what do feline lovers like most? Photographing their felines and getting them to pose in unnatural positions. But cats don't always cooperate, unfortunately. That's why Photoshop is a fine feline photo solution. We've chosen one purrrfect photo shared by a proud pawrent of her fluffy friend, and the comments on her request are absolutely priceless. Check out this ginger cat as it gallivants through the universe!
Hello crazy cat ladies, how are you doing? And what about your 80 cats? That's okay, we know you either have 80 of them, or you wish you had. Because we wish we had 80 cats… Do you know what the Cheezburger HQ would look like with 80 cats? At least 80 times better, that's fur sure. Because everything is better with cats.
We already have our three doofuses in the office: Berthold, Luna, and Micky. Our three office cats are as coo-coo as they go: Berthold is a true chonker at heart, and body. He waddles around and meows his rusty meows until one of us is willing to give him a snack or 20. Luna, on the other hand, is a tiny Catlympic runner. When the zoomies hit her she can run on anything, and we mean anything - in the hallway, in the conference room, on the tables, on our heads, and on Berthold. And then we have Micky, starved for attention from any direction. It doesn't matter if we're in the middle of writing a meme listicle, Micky will step on the keyboard and demand att— oh wait, oh no, he's coming, Micky's going to bddjs9 9om 998hfdnd=== j clds h'''…/jfn ms s s d djkfnb usihddd222222222222
Well, feline fam, it's the middle of the week, and we need something wholesome to keep our spirits up to get through the rest of this week. Some people drink more coffee, others treat themselves to sugary snacks, but us? We thrive off of some good, old fashioned heartwarming adoption stories from our four-legged feline friends. Nothing makes us more meowtivated to live our lives to the fullest than hearing about hoomans and cats forming deep, meowningful relationships. It just makes our feline-shaped hearts go aflutter!
Just like the hooman in this post, we too easily fall in love with the sad-looking shelter cats. This reason in purrticular is the reason why we can't go to shelters unless we know we're taking home a cat…because we will come home with one, and it will be the saddest, most scared kitty that just needs our love and patience. Well, they fell in love with the saddest-looking kitten, then after a year of bonding, she went back and adopted his sister to make them officially one fuzzy feline family. Scroll down to see more pics below!
When we tell everyone that itty bitty kittens have superpawers, we mean it. They really do. And you know how we know it? Because everyone loves teeny weeny kittens. Everyone. Some people still have something to say about cats. They say that cats are aloof, that cats don't really care about us, and a whole bunch of other untrue stuff. They're wrong, but they still say it. But no one says anything bad about kittens. Because they are too cute. Even the biggest cat hater - if they get chosen by a kitten - will melt at the sight of that kitten.
And dogs are no different. Kittens use their superpawers over dogs too. It's the only thing that would explain why we keep seeing stories of dogs adopting kittens. It's their the fact that kittens have superpawers or the fact that dogs are angels. We're leaning toward… both. Both are true. Too many meowgical things happening at once. That is what makes these stories so friggin' adorable each and every time we see them.
Not getting enough, or good enough quality sleep is a symptom of the adult life which has a heavy burden on our mood and existence in general. Waking up crankier and more tired than when you went to sleep sets you up for a tough day, that if a cat were to experience would turn them into one heck of a feisty feline. Heck, who knows, that might be the reason that cats take so many naps throughout the day. But considering we cannot afford to step away from our desk to indulge in a sweet sleep in the middle of the day, we need to ensure that we have a way to stop ourselves from turning into a yelling cat child whose breakfast is late.
The concept of having a recess (or even a few) in a day is one that is sadly lost as we grow older and enter the workforce. Which is a shame really considering how it allows us to exert extra energy, quash silly squabbles and refocus for the rest of the day the lies ahead. Instead we do our best to steal small moments, chatting to a colleague about cute cats, scrolling the sweet pages of Cheezburger fawning over felines and from time to time pretending we have a doctor's appointment so we can leave early and get a little more fun packed into our overly scheduled lives. So we wanted to at least make your scrolling with us as close as possible in its feeling to taking an actually child-like recess with this list of playful kitten memes.
So we truly hope that you find that the playful perks within this list, instill you with a similar thrill to that of racing around the playground playing tag, or trading Pokémon cards.
We hoomans do so much to keep ourselves warm in the winter months. We wrap ourselves in fluffy scarves, sip in scintillatingly hot tea, and even go as far as to buy electronic devices that keep our toes and fingies from getting too cold. But what we do not do often enough is turn to the power of cute cats to keep us warm. Sure we are well versed in using cats to create that warm and fuzzy sensation in our souls, but rarely is that transferred to actual heat in our heads. Which is why we made this list, in the hopes that as hoomans we could all turn our attention to this natural and cruelty-free form of warming.
Dear I Can Has-ers, do you know what made Sabrina Carpenter's song Espresso so successful? (Aside from a really good rhythm, cheeky lyrics, etc)? It was the mention of coffee. It's a simple keyword that means so much for so many. Where would we be without our morning energy boost, the cookies' companion in the afternoon, or after a bad night of meowing cats who decided the middle of the night was the time to wear their explorer caps and rediscover the living room? People think money makes the world go round, but it's really the beautiful dark beans keeping us all functioning.
And what goes purrrfectly with purrrfect beverages? That's right - purrrfect furry creatures, who sit so comfortably in our laps while we're drinking coffee and scroll through nothing and everything. Here, let us give you something nice to fantasize about while realizing gloomily that it's only Monday: The minute you get back from work today, you're not doing the dishes. You're not checking your bills either. Instead, you're making yourself a huge mug of great coffee. Then, you grab your fluffy friend - whom you've missed all day - and sit on the couch to scroll through the most unnecessary yet engaging content out there. That's better than therapy, better than a bad date, better than most things, really. We've actually prepared here a really good list of such unnecessaries for a purrrfect procrastination. Enjoy!
Meowing Monday, here we go again. All cat pawrents need to leave their purrecious little cutie patootie fluffy friend at home and go do that annoying hooman thing of going to work and do your job. That's just Monday for you. We wish we could just skip Mondays altogether, but that would just make Tuesdays a worse day than it already is.
But as cat pawrents and general feline fanatic fans, we have an advantage that others don't have. We're talking about cat memes, obviously. Cat memes that embody that cattitude and cuteness of actual cats, these memes that remind us how to overcome the Monday mellows like we're a cat ourselves. We gathered a bunch of these memes right here, some cute and crazy cat memes that can sustain the sanity of any crazy cat lady trying to pretend she's a normal human being on a Monday like this.
So scroll down for a dose of doofusness and delight in the form of cat memes - because we know we all need them, especially because it's Monday.
Hello cat lovers and nap-time snoozers, did you just wake up from a deep nap? Well, get your cup of coffee, or tea, or whatever that wakes you up - because, oh boy, do we have a story for you. And you want to be wide awake for this one, we pawmise. You know how you love cats like nothing else in the world? And you know how you love taking a refreshing nap, preferably while you're cuddled up with a cute cat? Well, the combination of these two things is the everyday reality of one sweet senior man, who has found his purrpose after volunteering in a local cat shelter by napping with the cats.
Honestly, if we could, we would make it our life mission - to nap and cuddle with shelter cats, giving them the love, affection, and cuddle time they deserve. This is a two-way pawsitive exchange, because if this is what we could do on a daily basis - we'd be the happiest hoomans to have ever hooman. It seems this empathic elderly man is so happy to visit the cats and nap with them, and the cats are so happy with him as well. What an adorable connection they have, our hearts have completely melted.
Happy birthday! Oh, it's not your birthday? Well, it's someone's birthday today, so to whoever you are, we wish you a meowrvelous birthday, filled with lots of tuna, laser pointers, and forehead kisses. We should probably mention that we're talking to all the cats that are celebrating their birthdays today. All of you hoomans can just ignore this…unless you want to come with us to a birthday pawty? Come on, it will be fun! Let's go together. Not only will it be purrfectly pawdorable, but there will be cake (And by cake, we mean Fancy Feast)!
Don your most festive fashion and get ready to sing "Happy Birthday" in cat because we've got 25 parties to go to today! They're all very cute, very excited (most of them anyway, you can't get by without a few purrfectly cute grumpy cats), and all of them are wishing for clouds of catnip to meowgically appear all throughout the new year. Have you done your vocal warmups? We have a lot of singing to do! Prepurr yourself while scrolling through all the cuteness below!
Okay, feline fam, are you ready? Because it's meow or never. Monday is the day when you set up the whole week. You can either wake up on Meownday as grumpy as Grumpy Cat herself and choose the path of darkness for the whole week, or you can choose pawsitivity and try to make this week better than the last. We know you're terribly tired. We know the weekend wasn't long enough. We know you want to just go back to Caturday. But alas, we cannot.
We may be falling asleep at our desks, but you know what keeps us kicking? Cat memes. If we need a little jolt of energy, all we do is have ourselves a nice, pleasant scroll, and not only are we more energized, but we're also happier and feeling more purrfectly peppy. It's our secret weapon, and now we've shared it with you. You may be melting into nap mode, but the work doesn't stop, so neither can you. Take five minutes, giggle at these funny felines, and then get back to work. Someone has to put tuna on the table!
Some people do not deserve pets. That is our conclusion after watching this video. Abandoning a cat is bad enough. Abandoning a senior cat without saying a word to anyone, leaving him alone, outside of his house, waiting for his owners to return, day after day, no matter the weather… some people do not deserve pets. And some people really do.
Some people give us hope for humanity. Because seeing this abandoned cat continuously waiting for his owners to return was not something that this neighbor could handle. And despite the fact that the cat wanted nothing to do with them, despite the fact that the kitty refused to let them come near him for the longest time, they did not give up on him. They knew that this cat needed help and love and a home, so they decided to give him one, no matter how long it took to convince the kitten to put those other, traitorous humans behind and give a chance to the new humans who would absolutely never, ever abandon him.
When you adopt a cat, it's an adventure. Don't let cats confuse you. Yes, they are relatively low maintenance pets, but they have their quirks. Cat shenanigans are known for their intensity, and you never know what they will be until you finally adopt one. Maybe you'll find out that your cat is deaf, and that's why it has been ignoring you every time you call it. Maybe you'll find out that your cat needs emotional support vegetables to be calm and happy. And maybe you'll find out that the kitten you adopted is not… a normal kitten like you thought it was.
That's what happened to this person when they decided to adopt a cat. They thought that they had adopted a regular itty bitty kitten, but alas, the kitten had other plans. The kitten just kept growing and getting fluffier and bigger and just- more. And this person knew it, they realized that the tiny kitten they had adopted was actually a beautiful, majestic, Siberian cat all along.
Since we are at the high of winter at the moment, stories of pawdorable furry friends in need of a home during the cold nights are something we constantly read about. And we have to tell you, it warms our hearts to know there are many hoomans out there who are more than willing to help these furriends in need.
Outside of our own home, we have three sweet furry friends who became known as the' parking lot cattos' of our building. Since we have two cats at home, taking in any of these three pawsome friends wasn't an option for us, but somehow, without saying a word to each other, the residents of the building took it upon themselves to make sure these silly cats are safe and warm during the winter. We set up a feeding station for them, put out DYI houses filled with blankets, and since they hang around at the underground parking lot they are always dry and warm chilling on top of everyone's cars.
That was honestly the least we could do for the three furry babies, and there are inspiring hoomans out there who do a lot more – Like the heartwarming hooman in the story down below.
A couple's journey into cat clowder pawrenthood began with a single adoption. Their hearts, overflowing with love, soon found room for more. Bee joined the family, bringing a new dynamic to their home.Then came Vinny, Gypsy and Toivo. Finally, Brandy completed their furry family of six. Their once-quiet home now buzzes with the happy sounds of their beloved cuddly cat clan.
Scroll down to meet Abba, Bee, Vinny, Gypsy, Toivo, and Brandy, each with their awwdorable adoption tale and become part of the family
'I told you so' is such a divisive term. On the one hand, you did tell them, you warned them, perhaps you even pleaded with them to heed your warnings. On the other hand, there is no term more frustrating to hear when everything has gone wrong, and of course you remember that person telling you so in the first place, and while you may not admit it in that moment you know that they were right in telling you so. And that is the basis of this Sunday story.
Sundays truly do have such a sweet scent to them. Your worries and woes of the working week are far behind you, you have already gotten to spend quality time with friends and family, and all feels light and right with the wonderful world around you. But the thing that truly makes a Sunday sweeter than a scrumptious sugar pie, is spending it with your cute cat child. After all, cuddles and purrs have the power to stop wars. That is just how healing and heartwarming they are. But not all of us are lucky enough to be in a position to pawrent a feline fur baby, and even those who are, do not necessarily have a cute cuddle cat in their home.
So we figured the least we could do to include you in the sweet Sunday experience was to make this list of sassy feline funnies of fluff-brained fur babies who are so simple-minded that their sassiness is more silly than it is spicy thanks to their poor execution.
Being a pawrent means dealing with much more than remembering feeding times and caring for them when they're sick. Both hooman and pet children need to feel safe - and that apparently includes making sure you never look at another toddler, cub, or puppy ever again. If you even start to mumble a syllable that begins with 'Aww,' their senses are highly alerted.
Cat pawrents know that felines can express their jealousy with sinister stares so piercing that they immediately drop the "other woman". There's no point in fighting the green-eyed monster, and by that, we mean the cat.
So you can abstain from other kittens, sure, but what happens if your family grows and you bring home another cat or - God forbid - a baby? The newcomers have to be entered into a protection program of some sort, at least for an adjustment period. Hell hath no fury like a usurped cat. We know you know what we mean, pawrents. While you brainstorm ways to help your cat warm up to the new addition to the family - or keep the addition safe for the time being - here are relatable memes and photos of our favorite (favorite!) felines, feeling furvidly possessive. Invite them to scroll with you, it might be therapeutic. Or at least, you'll know his whereabouts at the moment.
Hey there, young Millennials and elder Zoomers. You're out here thriving (or at least surviving), fueled by caffeine, existential dread, and, of course, the silly brilliance of cat memes. Adulting is tough - rent, bills, the endless "what am I doing with my life"s, but cat memes? They're the balm for our weary almost-30 souls.
These floofy feline friends remind us it's okay to be a little ridiculous. Who cares if you're eating cereal for dinner or still Googling "how to fold a fitted sheet"? Cats don't have their lives together either. They knock over glasses of water just because they can. They sit in boxes that are way too small for their fluff. They fall off the couch mid-stretch like nobody's watching (even though we always are).
Instead of existential dread over 30 - flop on the couch like a meowjestic house panther, and let these cat memes remind you to laugh at life's ridiculousness. After all, you're almost 30, not ancient, and there's plenty of time to get it together - just as soon as this scroll session is done.
Hello there, feline fanatic fans and sassy hoomans, do you enjoy this Sunday? It's a sassy Sunday, and who better to lead the charge against the Monday mellows than our furbulous feline overlords? Cats are the undisputed champions of side-eye, masters of judgmental looks, and pawfessional throwers of shade. Honestly, their sass levels are off the charts, and we're just lucky they let us witness their meowgnificence.
As Monday lurks around the corner, our cats are already rolling their eyes at the audacity of Monday to even exist. We gathered these sassy cat memes here to remind you to embrace your inner cattitude. Strut into the week as if you own it (just like a cat entering any room), toss a little sass over your shoulder, and let the world know you're not here to be messed with. With just half the amount of sass a cat possesses - Meownday doesn't stand a chance. Look at your sassy cat, look at these sassy cat memes, and you might learn a thing or two.
Oh boy, feline fam, better go grab your nearest box of tissues because this one is a tear-jerker, a heartbreaker, a soul-shattering story from which only the power of our love for cats can heal us. We normally like to keep things light and fluffy over here at I Can Has Cheezburger, but sometimes, we have to get real. Bad things happen in the world sometimes, especially to good people. All we can do is try to pick up the pieces afterward.
Our cats have helped us get through more trying times than we can count. Technically we saved them from life in a shelter, but they saved us many more times over. They are there for us in our most trying times, and for that, we are purrfectly grateful. When this feline-loving girlfriend falls ill, her boyfriend makes the bittersweet promise to cherish, love, and protect her cats after she passes. She left, and now he has them to remember her by. Scroll down to read the whole story below, and we're serious - get some tissues.
Happy Sunday, feline fam. As millennials, we can't even dream of buying a house, let alone selling one. But, you know, it happens, and just like with anything else on the internet, you get some crazy stories popping up every once in a while. This hissterical event really has us wondering, "What the heck is wrong with people?" It's been a while since we've reported on a silly Karen story, so get your popcorn because it's about to get good!
While trying to sell their house, one family came to the open house, and while they didn't want to leave with the house, they wanted to leave with something else….their cats! After refusing to buy the home, the entitled mother went to the homeowners and demanded they sell them their cats to sweeten the deal in order to convince them to buy the house. When they still refused, the daughter threw a temper tantrum and caused a whole lot of kitty chaos throughout the whole hissterically ridiculous encounter. The entire story is waiting for you below, so scroll away!
Another week, and it looks like the madness of 2025 has started. Really, it took longer than we thought. We got almost two whole weeks of peace, and we are thankful for that. But it looks like things are back to their usual order, i.e. disorder, and that means that we have to get back to our routines as well. Now, those routines are highly impurrtant. They are, in fact, crucial to us waking up and starting our days right. So, of course, the first thing that we have to do on a fine and totally-not-stressful Sunday morning such as this one, is start it with a bunch of hilarious cat memes.
Luckily for you, here at ICHC, we bring you the most hissterical cat memes all the time. And on Sunday morning, we don't bring you simple cat shenanigans, we bring you the best of the best of cat X every single week, because if there is one thing that will never change, it's how iconic and pawmazing the cat community on Twitter is.
The holidays are over, the new year is in full swing, and well… we have to admit it, we already miss it. Oh, the holiday cheer, the colorfulness, the happiness practically covering every part of our lives. We may be experiencing a little bit of a post-holidays blues, and it's time to change that. It is too early in the year to get dramatic. There will be enough time for drama later on. Right meow, we want pawsitivity and nothing else, and that is exactly why we are here, about to laugh at a bunch of cat memes.
Funny cat memes are simply good for us - they are good for our mental health, they are food for our souls. Starting the day with hissterical cat memes is pretty much the best thing that you can do for yourself, right behind caving, calling in sick, and spending the whole day with your actual cat. There is no shame about enjoying all of these cat shenanigans, not here, not at ICHC. In fact, we are here to provide you with all of the memes that you need.
“My mom cut my bangs for picture day, 1972.” (submitted by IG @keciadeveney)
The post The ‘Do of ’72 appeared first on
“My 9 year old daughter drew me a picture for my 40th birthday…at least my legs look good!” (submitted by IG @kerrinaomi)
The post Top Heavy appeared first on
“My kids had mixed feelings about lifting the cheese wheel. Amsterdam, Netherlands.” (submitted by Ken)
The post As The Wheels Turn appeared first on
“Me and my mom with our matching Christmas mullets.” (submitted by IG @kittyology80)
The post Holiday Hair appeared first on
“My second birthday party was a rager.” (submitted by IG @ndl_appraisals)
The post The After Party appeared first on
“Senior pictures, class of 1998 in Eastern Oregon. This one was a particular favorite of mine.” (submitted by IG @ahoythere.katie)
The post The Water Flautist appeared first on
“My oldest son was ready for our church photo shoot. The rest of us, not so much.” (submitted by Jeff)
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“The Christmas morning I received the perfect gift.” (submitted by Mark)
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“My son’s preschool picture. And he still hates them.” (submitted by Denise)
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“It was the 80s & hot sticks and the “Burning Bush” hairstyle was the latest craze and my beautiful sister was rockin’ it.” (submitted by Patty)
The post Burn Baby Burn appeared first on