Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site

Visit the home of Eleanor Roosevelt. Here, Franklin and Eleanor entertained friends, the press, activists, and official state visitors in the relaxed atmosphere of Val-Kill. Explore the Roosevelt saga in the homes of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, the exhibits at the nation’s first Presidential Library, and over a thousand acres of gardens and trails.

Val-Kill Cottage

Val-Kill Cottage

Val-Kill Cottage in the Summer

Stone Cottage at Val-Kill

The Stone Cottage at Val-Kill serves as the park's Visitor Center.

A small fieldstone cottage on a lush lawn with flowering shrubs.

Val-Kill Park Road

The entrance drive to Val-Kill winds through a meadow.

A winding road through green fields and shade trees.

Living Room at Val-Kill

Mrs. Roosevelt's Living Room at Val-Kill Cottage

A paneled room with comfortable furniture and a baby grand piano.

The Screened Porch

The Porch at Val-Kill

A stone fireplace enclosed by a screend porch.

Eleanor Roosevelt's Room at Val-Kill

Mrs. Roosevelt's Room at Val-Kill

A bedroom with walls covered in framed photographs.

The Pond

Val-Kill Pond

A pond with meadow in the background.