East Cactus Plain Wilderness

The East Cactus Plain Wilderness (14,630 acres) in Arizona is managed by the Bureau of Land Management. In 1990, the East Cactus Plain Wilderness became part of the now over 109 million acre National Wilderness Preservation System established by the Wilderness Act of 1964. The 14,630-acre East Cactus Plain Wilderness is about 10 miles north of Bouse, Arizona in La Paz County. The wilderness includes the eastern third of the Cactus Plain. It is dominated by an intricate crescent dune topography and dense dunescrub vegetation known only from this area in Arizona. The plant community is unique in its denseness and species diversity.

Recreational opportunities include horseback riding and backpacking trips, sightseeing, photography, and botanical and wildlife study. In wilderness, you can enjoy challenging recreational activities and extraordinary opportunities for solitude.

Please follow the regulations in place for this area, and use Leave No Trace techniques when visiting to ensure protection of its unique natural and experiential qualities.

East Cactus Plain Wilderness
East Cactus Plain Wilderness

From Phoenix, travel west along Interstate 10 to the Vicksburg exit. Drive north to Vicksburg, then northwest on State Route 72, proceeding to Bouse. At Bouse take the Swansea Road north. Roads near the wilderness include Swansea Road on the southeast and a power-line maintenance road on the northeast, which will take you within walking distance of the wilderness boundary.

East Cactus Plain Wilderness