Dove Springs OHV Area

Jawbone Canyon and Dove Springs OHV Areas are open for public use. The visitor center will remain closed at this time. The BLM encourages responsible, local recreation to avoid putting strain on communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please practice social distancing, don’t gather in large groups and clean your hands often. Social distancing recommendations may require that visitors spread out to less popular areas and avoid times of highest use, such as weekends. Visitors are encouraged to practice Leave No Trace principles. Please bring your own sanitary products, including toilet paper and hand sanitizer, and pack out all trash as services are limited.

Dove Springs OHV Area

From cross-country play in the sandy bowl to steep hill climbs, the Dove Springs OHV area offers over 5,000 acres of open-use public land for you to enjoy. The Dove Springs bowl is also a great starting point to begin to explore the hundreds of miles of trail riding opportunities available in this region.

Know Before You Go

Off-Highway Vehicle Use

The following partial list of regulations and tips should help OHV users and other recreationists appreciate and enjoy the use of these public lands.

Dove Springs OHV Area
Dove Springs OHV Area

Located off State Route 14, just north of Red Rock Canyon State Park, approximately 30 miles north of the intersection of State Routes 14 and 58 in the town of Mojave. The entrance to Dove Springs OHV area is located on SC 94. traveling from the south, make a left turn from SR 14 onto SC 94. Traveling from the north, make a right turn onto SC 94.