Delta National Wildlife Refuge

The Delta National Wildlife Refuge is located 10 miles South of Venice, Louisiana along the Mississippi River. The area formed when a breach in the natural levee of the Mississippi River occurred in 1862 approximately 100 miles below New Orleans, Louisiana. The 48,000 acre refuge was purchased in 1935 with the primary purpose to provide sanctuary and habitat to wintering waterfowl. Waterfowl counts in excess of 400,000 ducks and geese present on the refuge during peak population periods have been recorded. The marsh habitat on the refuge is classified as Paulustrine Emergent Wetlands. Two basic marsh zones occur within the habitat: fresh marsh nearest the main tributaries, and brackish marsh near the Gulf of Mexico. The fertile soils, vegetative composition, and shallow water wetland environment offers outstanding recreational opportunities such as fishing, wildlife observation, photography, hunting, and primitive camping. It provides protection and habitat to numerous plant and wildlife species including the following endangered and threatened species; the American Alligator, Brown Pelican, Arctic Peregrine Falcon and the Piping Plover. Untold numbers of passerine birds "song birds" and shorebirds use the refuge as a staging area during migration periods.

Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Delta National Wildlife Refuge

Delta National Wildlife Refuge is located at the mouth of the Mississippi River, approximately 10 miles South of Venice, Louisiana. No vehicular access is to the refuge is available, boat only. The refuge office is located at 215 Offshore Shipyard Road, approximately 80 miles South of New Orleans, Louisiana on Highway 23 South