Cross Bar Management Area

The Cross Bar is the only BLM-administered land in the State of Texas. It is a 12,000-acre tract originally purchased by the Federal government in 1931. Currently, the BLM does not have public access to the Cross Bar Management Area. However, BLM is working diligently to gain access. The BLM manages the land in cooperation with West Texas A&M University and other cooperating agencies.

Cross Bar Management Area
Cross Bar Management Area

From downtown Amarillo, head north on Fillmore Street/Dumas Hwy/87. Drive for approximately 18 miles to the intersection of the Canadian River and HWY 87. Walk or drive west through the River for 1.5 miles to the railroad trestle. The Cross Bar property boundary is begins at the fence line south of the river bottom and immediately west of the railroad trestle.

Crossbar Management Area