Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge, one of the hidden jewels of the Refuge System, is located on the east slope of the Cascade Mountains at the base of 12,307-foot Mount Adams in southern Washington.

It currently encompasses over 6,500 acres of the historic Conboy/Camas lakebeds, a shallow marshy wetland area drained by early settlers. Conifer forests, grasslands, shallow wetlands, and deep water provide homes for deer, elk, beaver, coyote, otter, small rodents, and 150 species of birds, as well as numerous amphibians, reptiles, and fish.

Bald eagle, greater sandhill crane, and the Oregon spotted frog are species of concern. Refuge visitors enjoy the scenery, hike the Willard Springs trail, and observe wildlife from the county roads that surround and cross the refuge.

Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge

From Glenwood, head west on Main Street for about a third of a mile. As the road begins to curve follow the it to the left onto Draper Springs/Trout Lake Highway. Go 4.8 miles further to the marked entrance on your left for Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge. The parking area will be a mile ahead of you.

Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge