Case Mountain Extensive Recreation Management Area


Case Mountain Extensive Recreation Management Area (ERMA) contains the only Sequoia grove complex managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The groves are located on Case Mountain, approximately 7 miles southeast of the town of Three Rivers, California. The complex is comprised of six distinct sequoia grove units, which total about 444 acres. The recreation area includes dozens of miles of mountain bike, foot, and equestrian trails, picnic tables, and endless opportunities for wildlife observation, photography, and exploration in the foothills of the Sierras. The area is also part of the nearly 20,000 acre Kaweah Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) designated in the Bakersfield Resource Management Plan for protection of the Case Mountain giant sequoia groves, other sensitive plant and animal species, riparian areas, and cultural resources.

Note: It is over 10 miles and 6,500 feet of elevation gain to the Case Mountain grove from the Skyline Drive trailhead. Access to other groves in the complex requires permission to cross private property on the summit of Case Mountain. All public access to Case Mountain ERMA is non-motorized.

Case Mountain Extensive Recreation Management Area
Case Mountain Extensive Recreation Management Area

Respect private property-- do not park on residential streets, block driveways, or speed on Skyline drive.

Case Mountain Giant Sequoias