Cape Krusenstern National Monument

North of the Arctic Circle, the monument forms 70 miles of shoreline on the Chukchi Sea. More than 114 beach ridges provide evidence of human use for 5,000 years. The Inupiat continue to use the area today. Vast wetlands provide habitat for shorebirds from as far away as South America. Hikers and boaters can see carpets of wildflowers among shrubs containing wisps of qiviut from muskoxen.

Muskox and Geese

Muskox and Greater White-fronted Geese on vegetated beach ridges in front of the Igichuk Hills.

muskox standing on the tundra

Winter Moon

January light and a bright moon at 2 pm over the Igichuk Hills in Cape Krusenstern National Monument.

moon over snow covered hills

Beach Ridges on the Shore of Cape Krusenstern

Beach ridges created by years of wave action during storms can be seen as parallel lines in the fall vegetation covering the old gravel.

aerial view of beach ridges

Fish on a Drying Rack

Pike (left and right) and trout (middle) dry on a rack at a subsistence camp. The slash marks allow more air to circulate and dry the meat more quickly.

fish hanging on rack

Old House Uncovered

A University of Washington archeology crew conducts research on an old semi-subterranean house along the beach ridges of Cape Krusenstern. Old house timbers are slowly revealed about 4 feet down

archaeologist digging