California National Historic Trail

Follow in the footsteps of over 250,000 emigrants who traveled to the gold fields and rich farmlands of California during the 1840s and 1850s: the greatest mass migration in American history. The California National Historic Trail is over 5,000 miles long and covers portions of 10 states. Step into history along more than 1,000 miles of ruts and traces from travelers and their overland wagons.

Wagon at Register Rock in City of Rocks National Reserve

Wagon at Register Rock in City of Rocks National Reserve

A white canvas wagon sits in front of a large rock buttress with mountains in the distance.

A creek in Carlin Canyon, Nevada on the California Trail

A creek in Carlin Canyon, Nevada on the California Trail

A still creek winds through brown rolling hills.

Trail ruts on through Humboldt Wells in Nevada

Trail ruts on through Humboldt Wells in Nevada

A dirt road passes through sagebrush and a white post with a mountain in the background.

Devil's Gate, Wyoming

Devil's Gate was an important emigrant landmark in Wyoming.

A rock buttress with a notch in it surrounded by sagebrush flats.

View of West Pass on Carson Route

View of West Pass on the Carson Route of the California NHT.

Pine trees partly obscure a distant mountain lake with snow-capped mountains.