Bowdoin Wetland Management Districtt

The Bowdoin Wetland Management District is located in Valley, Phillips, Blaine, and part of Hill Counties in northern Montana. The District varies from glaciated end moraine pothole concentrations to to glacial outwash plains with many man-made reservoirs subject to severe soil erosion. Most Waterfowl Production Areas (WPA's) and wetland easements are located in glaciated areas. Predominant land use is ranching, with considerable amounts of cultivated land converted to CRP because of Government Farm Programs.

The District was established as WPA's under the Migratory Bird Conservation Act primarily for migratory bird production. McNeil Slough WPA is a large acquisition on the Milk River which rivals many NWRs for resource values and management complexity. A flow-through water system provides management potential that is nonexistent on other units. Pearce WPA is located adjacent to Bowdoin NWR and often is treated similarly to the refuge for surveys and management. Beaver Creek WPA is located just east of Bowdoin and contains the main outlet canal for moving Bowdoin water to Beaver Creek. Other WPAs are located distant from Bowdoin and do not receive as much management effort or public use.

Bowdoin Wetland Management Districtt
Bowdoin Wetland Management Districtt

The nine WPAs are spread across Phillips and Blaine Counties, and can be found using BLM maps or from obtaining information from the Bowdoin Refuge headquarters. Pearce, McNeil Slough and Beaver Creek WPAs are located on the public use map for Bowdoin Refuge.