Aztec Ruins National Monument

Aztec Ruins has some of the best-preserved Chacoan structures of its kind. Learn more about the ancestral Pueblo people in the park's museum and explore the Aztec West great house to see exceptionally advanced architecture, original wooden beams, and a restored Great Kiva. Aztec Ruins is a deeply sacred place to many Indigenous peoples across the American Southwest. Please visit with respect.

Great Kiva in Aztec West plaza

Great Kiva in Aztec West plaza

Reconstructed stone kiva amidst stone ruins

Great Kiva

The reconstructed Great Kiva

Interior of a reconstructed great kiva

Rainbow over the Great Kiva

Rainbow over the reconstructed Great Kiva

Rainbow over the reconstructed Great Kiva

Winter snow on Aztec West great house

Winter snow on Aztec West great house

Winter snow on stone ruins

T-shaped doorway in Aztec West

Original "T-shaped" doorway in Aztec West

Original "T-shaped" doorway in stone ruins

Original ancestral Pueblo roof structure

Original ancestral Pueblo roof structures

Three layers of original intact roof beams