Audubon National Wildlife Refuge

Audubon National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is located in west-central North Dakota and is part of a landscape marked by numerous wetlands or "potholes" that remained after glaciers melted more than 10,000 years ago. This landscape is commonly called the "Prairie Pothole Region." The Prairie Pothole Region extends into Canada, Minnesota, western Iowa, South Dakota, and eastern Montana. The Refuge encompasses 14,735 acres of native prairie, planted grasslands, and wetlands. These lands are managed to provide food, water, shelter, and space to meet the needs of waterfowl and other migratory birds, threatened and endangered species, and resident wildlife. The Refuge is home to 243 bird, 34 mammal, 5 reptile, 4 amphibian, and 37 fish species.

Audubon National Wildlife Refuge
Audubon National Wildlife Refuge

The Audubon office and visitor center is located 3 miles north of Coleharbor, North Dakota on U.S. Highway 83 and 1 mile east.

Audubon National Wildlife Refuge
Audubon National Wildlife Refuge