Arrowwood Wetland Management District

Arrowwood Wetland Management District (WMD) was established in east-central North Dakota in 1961 as a breeding ground for migratory birds and other wildlife. The District currently includes 28 waterfowl production areas (WPA) across Foster and Eddy counties; acreage in the District totals 6,162 acres. Within the District, there are also 314 wetland easements (19,046 acres), 4 Farmers Home Administration easements, and 1 easement refuge (Johnson Lake National Wildlife Refuge). Arrowwood WMD is part of the Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Complex. WPAs offer many opportunities for wildlife observation, hiking, hunting, photography, cross-country skiing, education, and interpretation for organized groups. Wildlife often observed on the WPAs includes waterfowl, upland game birds, songbirds, birds of prey, deer, and numerous fur bearers.

Arrowwood Wetland Management District
Arrowwood Wetland Management District

The District headquarters is located at Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge, 26 miles north of Jamestown and about 23 miles south of Carrington. From Jamestown, travel north on Highway 281 approximately 26 miles to Edmunds, then turn east and travel 5.5 miles on County Road 44 to the headquarters road. Turn north to the headquarters. From Carrington, travel south on Highway 281 to Edmunds. Turn east on County Road 44 for 5.5 miles, and turn north on the headquarters road. There are signs on Highway 281 and County Road 44 directing visitors to the headquarters.